A | |
add_symbol [Symbols] | add_symbol s sl
append_symbol [Symbols] | |
append_symbollist [Symbols] | |
assoc_symbol [Symbols] | |
C | |
cast [Types] | cast_term t ty param t a located term, param ty an EVA type
check_instrs_spec [Translator] | check_instrs_spec sl sp
check_linstr [Translator] | check_linstr sl i
check_lterm [Translator] | check_lterm rl sl lterm
check_ltype [Translator] | check_ltype sl t
check_spec [Translator] | check_spec sl sp
coerce_lterm [Types] | coerce_lterm sl t
typechecks the given located term t
wrt the given symbol list sl
and casts it to the type EVA_NUMBER (see Abstract.eva_type ,
coerce_spec [Types] | coerce_spec sl sp
applies Types.coerce_lterm sl
to every term of the given spec sp ,
except in (codomains of) sessions.
convert_ldcl [Translator] | convert_ldcl sl d
convert_lstatement [Translator] | convert_lstatement sl st
convert_lterm [Translator] | convert_lterm sl t
convert_spec [Translator] | convert_spec sl sp
applies the convertion functions Translator.convert_lterm ,
Translator.convert_ldcl ,
to the elements of the given abstract specification sp ,
with the given symbol list sl , and return the specification obtained.
D | |
debugpp_atom [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_dcl [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_id [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_instr [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_label [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_latom [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_ldcl [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_lid [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_linstr [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_llabel [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_lprotocol [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_lscope [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_lsession [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_lstatement [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_lterm [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_ltype [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_lvalue [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_protocol [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_scope [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_session [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_spec [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_statement [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_term [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_type [Debugpp] | |
debugpp_value [Debugpp] | |
default_location [Location] |
default location.
descend_coerce_lterm [Types] | |
dump_symbollist [Debugpp] | |
E | |
empty_symbol_list [Symbols] |
generic empty symbol list.
equals [Types] |
type equality.
error [Error] |
report the given formatted error message on error output.
evapp_atom [Evapp] | |
evapp_dcl [Evapp] | |
evapp_id [Evapp] | |
evapp_instr [Evapp] | |
evapp_label [Evapp] | |
evapp_latom [Evapp] | |
evapp_ldcl [Evapp] | |
evapp_lid [Evapp] | |
evapp_linstr [Evapp] | |
evapp_llabel [Evapp] | |
evapp_lprotocol [Evapp] | |
evapp_lscope [Evapp] | |
evapp_lsession [Evapp] | |
evapp_lstatement [Evapp] | |
evapp_lterm [Evapp] | |
evapp_ltype [Evapp] | |
evapp_lvalue [Evapp] | |
evapp_protocol [Evapp] | |
evapp_scope [Evapp] | |
evapp_session [Evapp] | |
evapp_spec [Evapp] | |
evapp_statement [Evapp] | |
evapp_term [Evapp] | |
evapp_type [Evapp] | |
evapp_value [Evapp] | |
evatoken [Evalex] | |
F | |
fold_left_symbollist [Symbols] | fold_left_symbollist f a sl
fold_right_symbollist [Symbols] | fold_right_symbollist f sl b
G | |
get_algo [Symbols] | |
get_filename [Evalex] | |
get_fresh [Symbols] | |
get_hash [Symbols] | |
get_name [Symbols] | |
get_scope [Symbols] | |
get_secret [Symbols] | |
get_signature [Symbols] | |
get_symkey [Symbols] | |
get_term [Symbols] | |
get_type [Symbols] | |
H | |
has_alias [Alias] | has_alias sl term
I | |
ignore [Error] |
Do nothing.
internal_fprint [Error] |
prints on the given output channel the concatenation
of the given string and of the given formatted message.
internal_print [Error] |
prints on the standard output the concatenation
of the given string and of the given formatted message.
intruder_symbol [Symbols] | |
is_alias [Symbols] | |
is_atomic_lterm [Termutil] | is_atomic_lterm t
is_atomic_term [Termutil] |
is_atomic_term t
is_basetype [Symbols] | |
is_first_order [Symbols] | |
is_functional [Symbols] | |
is_grounding [Termutil] | is_grounding s t
returns true iff the domain of the given substitution s
contains all the parameters and private variables of
the term t .
is_intruder [Symbols] | |
is_key [Symbols] | |
is_predicate [Symbols] | |
is_quantified [Symbols] | |
is_trace_mode [Trace] | |
is_type [Symbols] | |
is_value [Symbols] | |
iter_symbollist [Symbols] |
Iterator for symbol lists.
L | |
lid_equal [Termutil] | |
lterm_equal [Termutil] | |
lterm_replace_atom [Termutil] | |
lterm_replace_dcl [Termutil] | |
lterm_replace_instr [Termutil] | |
lterm_replace_latom [Termutil] | |
lterm_replace_ldcl [Termutil] | lterm_replace_ldcl tr d
lterm_replace_linstr [Termutil] | |
lterm_replace_lprotocol [Termutil] | |
lterm_replace_lsession [Termutil] | |
lterm_replace_lstatement [Termutil] | |
lterm_replace_process [Termutil] | |
lterm_replace_protocol [Termutil] | |
lterm_replace_session [Termutil] | |
lterm_replace_spec [Termutil] | |
lterm_replace_statement [Termutil] | |
lterm_vars [Termutil] | |
M | |
map_symbollist [Symbols] | map_symbollist f sl
memassoc_symbol [Symbols] | |
N | |
new_alias_symbol [Symbols] | |
new_first_order_symbol [Symbols] | |
new_functional_symbol [Symbols] | |
new_key_symbol [Symbols] | |
new_predicate_symbol [Symbols] | |
new_quantified_symbol [Symbols] | |
new_type_symbol [Symbols] | |
new_value_symbol [Symbols] | |
O | |
overwrite_symbol [Symbols] | |
overwrite_symbollist [Symbols] | |
P | |
pp_list [Pp] | pp_list f sep l
pretty print the list l of elements which are
individualy pretty printed by the given function f ,
and separated by the the given separator printer sep .
print_location [Evalex] |
printa the current location on the standard output
print_location [Location] |
pretty print the given location on standard output.
S | |
set_filename [Evalex] | |
spawn [Location] |
merge locations.
spec [Evaparse] | |
string_of_lid [Termutil] | |
string_of_location [Evalex] | |
string_of_location [Location] | |
subst_dom [Termutil] | |
subst_lterm [Termutil] | |
subst_term [Termutil] | subst_term s t
returns the substitution of
the given term t
by the given substitution s .
symbol_list_length [Symbols] | |
symbollist_of_spec [Translator] | symbollist_of_spec sp
T | |
term_ALIAS [Translator] |
flag for term right meaning that alias symbols
are allowed in terms.
term_ALL [Translator] |
sum of all flags.
term_AT [Translator] |
flag for term right meaning that located variables
are allowed in terms.
term_CST [Translator] |
flag for term rights meaning that constant symbols are allowed
in terms (see
Translator.check_lterm ).
term_FO [Translator] |
flag for term right meaning that first order symbols
are allowed in terms.
term_FUN [Translator] |
flag for term right meaning that functional symbols
are allowed in terms.
term_KEY [Translator] |
flag for term rights meaning that keypairs symbols
are allowed in terms (see check_lterm)
term_PARAM [Translator] |
flag for term rights meaning that parameters symbols are allowed
in terms (see
Translator.check_lterm ).
term_PCENT [Translator] |
flag for term right meaning that percent (Lowe's notation)
are allowed in terms.
term_PRIV [Translator] |
flag for term rights meaning that private variables are allowed
in terms (see
Translator.check_lterm ).
term_QUANTIF [Translator] |
flag for term right meaning that quantified variables
are allowed in terms.
term_VALUE [Translator] |
flag for term right meaning that value symbols are allowed in terms.
term_vars [Termutil] | term_vars t
returns the list (with repetitions)
of identifiers of parameters and private variables
in the given term t .
trace [Trace] |
Print the given formatted message on the error output,
if trace mode is on.
trace_off [Trace] |
set trace mode off
trace_on [Trace] |
set trace mode on
translate [Translator] | translate sl sp
type_lterm [Types] | type_lterm sl t
checks that the given located term t is well typed
wrt to the given symbol list sl
according to the abstract syntax type discipline (see remark above): in EVA_APP(c, args) , the terms of args must all have type EVA_NUMBER , in EVA_CONS(t, l) , t must have type EVA_NUMBER , in EVA_CRYPT(a, k, t) , a must have type EVA_SALGO and
k and t must have type EVA_NUMBER .
type_lterm_laeva [Types] | type_lterm_laeva sl t
checks the typing of the given located term t
wrt to the given symbol list sl ,
according to the type discipline of LAEVA (aka concrete syntax)
which is less resctrictive than the discipline for the abstract syntax
(see remark above): in EVA_APP(c, args) ,
the type of the terms of args must follow the declared signature of c ,, in EVA_CONS(t, l) , the type of t is not checked., in EVA_CRYPT(a, k, t) , a must have type EVA_SALGO , the
types of k and t are not checked.
The purpose of this function is to check
the terms obtained from the parser,
after conversion with Translator.convert_lterm ,
and not yet casted,
for conformity of terms against
the type declaration of function symbols.
U | |
unalias_dcl [Alias] | unalias_dcl sl d
unalias_ldcl [Alias] | unalias_ldcl sl d
unalias_lterm [Alias] | unalias_lterm sl term
unalias_spec [Alias] | unalias_spec sl sp
W | |
warning [Error] |
report the given formatted warning message on error output.