module Abstract: sig end
Abstract syntax for protocol specifications
type eva_label =
| |
(* | empty label | *) |
| |
EVA_LABEL of string |
(* | other label | *) |
Label of message, claim or session
type eva_llabel = {
Located label
type eva_type =
| |
(* | NULL type | *) |
| |
(* | predefined type "principal" | *) |
| |
(* | predefined type "number" | *) |
| |
(* | predefined type for asymmetric encryption algo | *) |
| |
(* | predefined type for symmetric encryption algo | *) |
| |
(* | union of the two above | *) |
| |
EVA_USERTYPE of string |
(* | type of the specification | *) |
| |
EVA_BASETYPE of string |
(* | type of the specification declared as basetype,
subtype of EVA_USERTYPE | *) |
| |
EVA_FUN of eva_type |
(* | type of symbols of invertible functions
from numbers to the given type | *) |
| |
EVA_HFUN of eva_type |
(* | type of symbols of one-way functions
from numbers to the given type | *) |
| |
EVA_KEY of eva_type |
(* | type of symbol of asymetric key constructor,
declared as an element of keypair . | *) |
type eva_ltype = {
type eva_scope =
| |
(* | global constant | *) |
| |
(* | session parameter | *) |
| |
(* | local var of process | *) |
Quality of identifiers
type eva_lscope = {
type eva_id =
Protocol identifier
It can be either a parameter, a constant,
a private (process) variable.
type eva_lid = {
Located identifier
type eva_value =
| |
(* | special value for the intruder's name | *) |
| |
EVA_VALUE of string |
(* | arbitrary value | *) |
Value to be assigned to a identifier in a session declaration
type eva_lvalue = {
Located value
type eva_term =
| |
EVA_TERM_ID of string |
(* | parameter or private variable
(first order symbol or function symbol or keypair symbol) | *) |
| |
EVA_TERM_CST of string |
(* | constant symbol
(first order symbol or function symbol or keypair symbol) | *) |
| |
EVA_TERM_VALUE of eva_value |
(* | first order value, for formulas only | *) |
| |
EVA_TERM_ALIAS of string * eva_lterm |
(* | alias symbol | *) |
| |
EVA_LOCATED of eva_lid * eva_lid |
(* | located variable, only for formulas
- name of identifier
- name of role
| *) |
| |
EVA_QUANTIFIED of string * eva_type |
(* | quantified variable, only for axioms and assume
- name of the identifier
- type declared in quantification
(default is
| *) |
| |
EVA_P of eva_lterm |
(* | coercion symbol EVA_PRINCIPAL -> EVA_NUMBER
| *) |
| |
EVA_A of eva_lterm |
(* | coercion symbol EVA_TALGO -> EVA_NUMBER
| *) |
| |
EVA_SA of eva_lterm |
(* | coercion symbol EVA_SALGO -> EVA_TALGO
| *) |
| |
EVA_AA of eva_lterm |
(* | coercion symbol EVA_AALGO -> EVA_TALGO
| *) |
| |
EVA_U of (string * eva_lterm) |
(* | coercion symbol (EVA_USERTYPE t) -> EVA_NUMBER
- identifier of the user type
- term to cast
| *) |
| |
EVA_CONS of eva_lterm list |
(* | tuple of terms | *) |
| |
EVA_APP of eva_lid * eva_lterm list |
(* | application of function symbol
| *) |
| |
EVA_CRYPT of eva_algo * eva_lterm * eva_lterm |
(* | cipher text
| *) |
| |
EVA_SIGN of eva_algo * eva_lterm * eva_lterm |
(* | signature
| *) |
| |
EVA_PCENT of eva_lterm * eva_lterm |
(* | Lowe's notation | *) |
Abstract term
type eva_lterm = {
Located term
type eva_algo =
| |
(* | generic symmetric key algorithm | *) |
| |
EVA_ALGO of eva_lterm |
(* | other algorithm, the lterm is restricted to be a constant | *) |
Name of encryption algorithm
type eva_dcl =
| |
EVA_DCL_ID of (eva_lid * bool) list * eva_lscope * eva_ltype |
(* | declaration of first order identifiers
- list of pairs of (identifier name, flag)
where the flag is true iff the identifier is declared to be fresh
- scope common to all the identifiers of the list
- type common all the identifiers of the list
| *) |
| |
EVA_DCL_FUN of eva_lid * eva_lscope * eva_ltype * eva_ltype list * bool * bool |
(* | declaration of functional identifier
- name of the function symbol
- scope of the identifier
- domain type
- list of the respective types of the arguments of the function symbol
- flag true iff the function symbol is declared to be hash (one-way)
- flag true iff the function symbol is declared to be secret
| *) |
| |
EVA_DCL_KEYPAIR of eva_algo * eva_lid * eva_lid * eva_lscope * eva_ltype * eva_ltype list |
(* | declaration of a pair of asymmetric keys
- associated encryption algorithm
- name of first key
- name of second key
- scope of both keys
- (domain) type of both keys
- list of the respective types of the arguments of both keys
(can be empty)
| *) |
| |
EVA_DCL_ALIAS of eva_lid * eva_lterm |
(* | declaration of an alias
- name of the alias
- term for replacement
| *) |
| |
EVA_DCL_LOCALALIAS of eva_lid list * eva_lid * eva_lterm |
(* | declaration of local alias | *) |
| |
EVA_DCL_BASETYPE of string |
(* | declaration of user base type, specific to verifying tool | *) |
| |
EVA_DCL_KNOW of eva_lid * eva_lterm list |
(* | declaration of initial knowledge of a principal,
for initialisation of the components of its local state
- principal name
- list of initial knowledge
| *) |
| |
EVA_DCL_EVERY of eva_lterm list |
(* | declaration of initial knowledge of every principal | *) |
| |
EVA_DCL_AXIOM of eva_lterm * eva_lterm * eva_type * (eva_lid * eva_ltype) list |
(* | equational axiom
- left term
- right term
- type (of both left and right terms)
- quantified variables with types
| *) |
| |
EVA_DCL_VALUE of eva_lvalue list * eva_ltype |
(* | values (for session instanciation)
- list of value identifiers declared
- type common all the identifiers of the list
| *) |
Declarations in the EVA protocol specification
type eva_ldcl = {
Located declaration
type eva_instr =
Protocol instruction
type eva_linstr = {
Located instruction
type eva_case = {
case for EVA_SWITCH
type eva_protocol =
| |
EVA_MP of eva_linstr list |
(* | presentation a la BAN of all the processes in one block | *) |
| |
EVA_PROCESS of eva_process list |
(* | separate presentation of the processes | *) |
Description of the messages of the protocol
type eva_lprotocol = {
Located protocol message description
type eva_process = {
pr_role : eva_lid ; |
(* | the principal running the process | *) |
pr_privates : eva_lid list ; |
(* | private variables
They all have type number | *) |
pr_messages : eva_linstr list ; |
(* | instructions | *) |
Process associated to a principal.
the messages contains protocol constant and parameters
and other private variables declared under the field private.
type eva_constraint =
| |
EVA_EQ_CONSTRAINT of eva_lid * eva_lid |
(* | id == id
| *) |
| |
EVA_NEQ_CONSTRAINT of eva_lid * eva_lid |
(* | id != id
| *) |
| |
EVA_MEMBERSHIP_CONSTRAINT of eva_lid * eva_lterm list |
(* | id in { val list }
| *) |
| |
EVA_DOMAIN_CONSTRAINT of eva_lid * string |
(* | id in the interpretation of the predicate
| *) |
Constraints on the session domains
type eva_lconstraint = {
Located constraint
type eva_session =
| |
| |
EVA_CONSTRAINED_SESSIONS of eva_lconstraint list |
(* | infinite parallel constraint sessions | *) |
| |
EVA_SESSIONS of (eva_lid * eva_lterm) list |
(* | copies of a single session
- association list (
var = value )
| *) |
| |
EVA_SESSION of eva_llabel * (eva_lid * eva_lterm) list |
(* | single session
- label
- association list (
var = value )
| *) |
Declaration of a system assignment for verification
type eva_lsession = {
Located session declaration
type eva_atom =
Atom in formula
type eva_latom = {
type eva_statement =
type eva_lstatement = {
Located formula
type eva_spec = {
sp_label : eva_lid ; |
(* | protocol label | *) |
sp_declarations : eva_ldcl list ; |
(* | the declarations (and axioms) of the spec | *) |
sp_protocol : eva_lprotocol ; |
(* | the messages of the spec | *) |
sp_valuedcl : eva_ldcl list ; |
(* | declarations of values (for the session domains) in the spec | *) |
sp_sessions : eva_lsession list ; |
(* | the session defined in the spec | *) |
sp_statements : eva_lstatement list ; |
(* | the hypotheses and formulas in the spec | *) |
Top level container for a protocol specification in EVA syntax.
The fields declarations, valuedcl, sessions, statements
contain exact copies of declarations in EVA concrete syntax.
The messages and instructions of the protocol (field protocol)
may be presented in two ways:
- one single list defining all the processes,
- one seperate list for each process (i.e. each principal).