Module Evaparse

module Evaparse: sig  end

type token =
| ID of (string * Location.location)
| LABEL of (string * Location.location)
| INT of (int * Location.location)
| KW_COMMA of Location.location
| KW_SEMI of Location.location
| KW_COL of Location.location
| KW_QUOTE of Location.location
| KW_EQ of Location.location
| KW_LSQ of Location.location
| KW_RSQ of Location.location
| KW_LPAR of Location.location
| KW_RPAR of Location.location
| KW_LBR of Location.location
| KW_RBR of Location.location
| KW_LANG of Location.location
| KW_RANG of Location.location
| KW_UP of Location.location
| KW_STAR of Location.location
| KW_UNDER of Location.location
| KW_PCENT of Location.location
| KW_AT of Location.location
| KW_TO of Location.location
| KW_IMPLIES of Location.location
| KW_NEQ of Location.location
| KW_COMP of Location.location
| KW_ASSIGN of Location.location
| KW_ALIAS of Location.location
| KW_ASSUME of Location.location
| KW_AXIOM of Location.location
| KW_BASETYPE of Location.location
| KW_CASE of Location.location
| KW_CLAIM of Location.location
| KW_CONSTANT of Location.location
| KW_EVERYBODY of Location.location
| KW_FALSE of Location.location
| KW_FRESH of Location.location
| KW_HASH of Location.location
| KW_HONEST of Location.location
| KW_KEYPAIR of Location.location
| KW_KNOWS of Location.location
| KW_PARAMETER of Location.location
| KW_PRINCIPAL of Location.location
| KW_NUMBER of Location.location
| KW_ASYM_ALGO of Location.location
| KW_SYM_ALGO of Location.location
| KW_SECRET of Location.location
| KW_SESSION of Location.location
| KW_SWITCH of Location.location
| KW_VALUE of Location.location

val spec : (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Abstract.eva_spec