Module Symbols

module Symbols: sig  end
Manage the abstract data type of symbols of the protocol specifications

There are 8 kinds of symbols:


exception Symbols_error of string
raised by accessors
exception Symbols_not_found
raised by Symbols.assoc_symbol
exception Symbols_already of string
raised when adding a symbol already present to a symbol list the argumeent is the name of the symbol

Symbols type

type eva_symbol
type of symbols


val new_first_order_symbol : string ->
Abstract.eva_scope -> Abstract.eva_type -> bool -> eva_symbol
Returns a symbol of kind "first order" with the given attributes:
val new_functional_symbol : string ->
Abstract.eva_scope ->
Abstract.eva_type ->
Abstract.eva_type list -> bool -> bool -> eva_symbol
Returns a symbol of kind "functional" with the given attributes:
val new_key_symbol : string ->
Abstract.eva_scope ->
Abstract.eva_type ->
Abstract.eva_type list -> string -> Abstract.eva_algo -> eva_symbol
Returns a symbol of kind "key" constructor with the given attributes:
val new_value_symbol : string -> Abstract.eva_type -> eva_symbol
Returns a symbol of kind "value" with the given attributes:
val intruder_symbol : eva_symbol
Returns a symbol corresponding to the value "intruder"
val new_alias_symbol : string -> Abstract.eva_lterm -> eva_symbol
Returns a symbol of kind "alias" with the given attributes:
val new_quantified_symbol : string -> Abstract.eva_type -> eva_symbol
Returns a symbol of kind "quantified variable" with the given attributes:
val new_type_symbol : string -> bool -> eva_symbol
Returns a symbol of kind "type" with the given attributes:
val new_predicate_symbol : string -> eva_symbol
Returns a symbol of kind "predicate" with the given attributes:
val is_first_order : eva_symbol -> bool
Returns true if the given symbol is of kind "first order", false otherwise
val is_functional : eva_symbol -> bool
Returns true if the given symbol is of kind "functional", false otherwise
val is_key : eva_symbol -> bool
Returns true if the given symbol is of kind "key", false otherwise
val is_value : eva_symbol -> bool
Returns true if the given symbol is of kind "value", false otherwise
val is_intruder : eva_symbol -> bool
Returns true if the given symbol is the "intruder" value, false otherwise
val is_quantified : eva_symbol -> bool
Returns true if the given symbol is of kind "quantified variable", false otherwise
val is_alias : eva_symbol -> bool
Returns true if the given symbol is of kind "alias", false otherwise
val is_type : eva_symbol -> bool
Returns true if the given symbol is of kind "type", false otherwise
val is_basetype : eva_symbol -> bool
Returns true if the given symbol is a user type declared as basetype, subcase of is_type false otherwise
val is_predicate : eva_symbol -> bool
Returns true if the given symbol is of kind "predicate", false otherwise
val get_name : eva_symbol -> string
Returns the name of the given symbol. Symbols of every kinds have a name.
val get_type : eva_symbol -> Abstract.eva_type
Raises Symbols_error if the given symbol is not typed.
Returns the type of the given symbol.
val get_scope : eva_symbol -> Abstract.eva_scope
Raises Symbols_error if the given symbol has no such characteristic.
Returns the scope of the given symbol.
val get_fresh : eva_symbol -> bool
Raises Symbols_error if the given symbol has no such characteristic.
Returns the "fresh" characteristic of the given symbol.
val get_hash : eva_symbol -> bool
Raises Symbols_error if the given symbol has no such characteristic.
Returns the "hash" characteristic of the given symbol.
val get_secret : eva_symbol -> bool
Raises Symbols_error if the given symbol has no such characteristic.
Returns the "secret" characteristic of the given symbol.
val get_signature : eva_symbol -> Abstract.eva_type list
Raises Symbols_error if the given symbol has no such characteristic.
Returns the signature of the given symbol.
val get_symkey : eva_symbol -> string
Raises Symbols_error if the given symbol has no such characteristic.
Returns the name of the symmetric key associed to the given symbol.
val get_algo : eva_symbol -> Abstract.eva_algo
Raises Symbols_error if the given symbol has no such characteristic.
Returns the algorithm associed with the given symbol.
val get_term : eva_symbol -> Abstract.eva_lterm
Raises Symbols_error if the given symbol is not of kind "alias".
Returns the term associed with the given alias symbol.

type eva_symbol_list
Abstract type for lists of symbols

val empty_symbol_list : eva_symbol_list
generic empty symbol list.
val memassoc_symbol : string -> eva_symbol_list -> bool
Returns true if the given symbol list sl contains a symbol declared with the given name, returns false otherwise.
val assoc_symbol : string -> eva_symbol_list -> eva_symbol
Raises Symbols_not_found if the given name is not declared in sl.
Returns the symbol declared with the given name in the given symbol list sl.
val append_symbol : eva_symbol -> eva_symbol_list -> eva_symbol_list
Raises Symbols_already with the name of s if there is already a symbol with the same name as s in the given symbol list sl.
Returns a symbols list obtained by adding the given symbol s at the end of the given symbol list sl.
val add_symbol : eva_symbol -> eva_symbol_list -> eva_symbol_list
add_symbol s sl
Returns a symbols list obtained by adding the given symbol s at the end of the given symbol list sl only if sl does not already contain a symbol with the same name as s.
val overwrite_symbol : eva_symbol -> eva_symbol_list -> eva_symbol_list
Returns a symbols list obtained from the the given symbol s and the given symbol list sl as follows:
val append_symbollist : eva_symbol_list -> eva_symbol_list -> eva_symbol_list
Raises Symbols_already if l1 contains already one symbol with the same name as a symbol of l2.
Returns the symbols list obtained by adding the symbols in the second given list l2 at the end of the first symbols list l1.
val overwrite_symbollist : eva_symbol_list -> eva_symbol_list -> eva_symbol_list
Returns the symbols list obtained by overwriting the symbols in second the given list l2 with the symbols in the first given list l1 (see Symbols.overwrite_symbol).
val symbol_list_length : eva_symbol_list -> int
Returns the length of the given symbol list sl.
val iter_symbollist : (eva_symbol -> unit) -> eva_symbol_list -> unit
Iterator for symbol lists. Apply in a row the given function f to each of the symbols contained in the given symbol list sl.
val map_symbollist : (eva_symbol -> 'a) -> eva_symbol_list -> 'a list
map_symbollist f sl
Returns the list (f s1); ...; (f sn) where are the symbols of the given symbol list sl.
val fold_left_symbollist : ('a -> eva_symbol -> 'a) -> 'a -> eva_symbol_list -> 'a
fold_left_symbollist f a sl
Returns f (... (f (f a s1) s2) ...) sn where are the symbols of the given symbol list sl.
val fold_right_symbollist : (eva_symbol -> 'a -> 'a) -> eva_symbol_list -> 'a -> 'a
fold_right_symbollist f sl b
Returns f s1 (f s2 (... (f sn b) ...)) where are the symbols of the given symbol list sl.