Module Types

module Types: sig  end
Module for type checking and type convertion

exception Type_error of string * Location.location
raised by functions of the types module to signal a type error in the input file.
val equals : Abstract.eva_type -> Abstract.eva_type -> bool
type equality.

equals t1 t2
Returns whether the 2 given terms t1 and t2 are equal.

Note: We make no differences between user and base types, i.e. USERTYPE s and BASETYPE s are considered equal.

Type disciplines. The respective type disciplines of the LAEVA concrete syntax and of the abstract syntax differ. Indeed, in the lists of terms that occur under the constructors EVA_CONS and EVA_APP, components of various types are allowed in LAEVA (provided they respect the signature of the function symbol in EVA_APP) and not in the abstract syntax, where all the components of a tuple must have type EVA_NUMBER (see Abstract.eva_type.

We provide here two function for type checking which correspond to each of the discipline:

val type_lterm : Symbols.eva_symbol_list -> Abstract.eva_lterm -> Abstract.eva_type
type_lterm sl t checks that the given located term t is well typed wrt to the given symbol list sl according to the abstract syntax type discipline (see remark above):
Raises Returns the type (not located) of the given located term t.

Note: the term t must NOT contain alias symbols

Note: this function should not be applied directly to terms obtained after parsing EVA protocol spec. Translator.convert_leterm (Translator.check_lterm) and Types.coerce_lterm should be applied first.

val type_lterm_laeva : Symbols.eva_symbol_list -> Abstract.eva_lterm -> Abstract.eva_type
type_lterm_laeva sl t checks the typing of the given located term t wrt to the given symbol list sl, according to the type discipline of LAEVA (aka concrete syntax) which is less resctrictive than the discipline for the abstract syntax (see remark above): The purpose of this function is to check the terms obtained from the parser, after conversion with Translator.convert_lterm, and not yet casted, for conformity of terms against the type declaration of function symbols.
Raises Returns the type (not located) of the given located term t.

Note: the term must NOT contain alias symbols

Note: this function should not be applied directly to terms obtained after parsing EVA protocol spec. Translator.convert_leterm (optionaly Translator.check_lterm) should be applied first.

Note: this function will likely fail when applied to coerced located terms as returned by Types.coerce_lterm (hence well typed terms wrt EVA semantics).

val coerce_lterm : Symbols.eva_symbol_list -> Abstract.eva_lterm -> Abstract.eva_lterm
coerce_lterm sl t typechecks the given located term t wrt the given symbol list sl and casts it to the type EVA_NUMBER (see Abstract.eva_type,
Raises Returns the casted copy.

Note: the symbols in the term t must be conform to the entries in symbol list sl, in particular this function should not be applied directly to terms obtained after parsing EVA protocol spec, see Translator.convert_lterm and Translator.check_lterm.

val descend_coerce_lterm : Symbols.eva_symbol_list -> Abstract.eva_lterm -> Abstract.eva_lterm
val cast : Abstract.eva_lterm -> Abstract.eva_type -> Abstract.eva_lterm
cast_term t ty
Returns the term of type NUMBER obtained from t by applying the appropriate coercion function. NB: the coercion is not applied recursively.
val coerce_spec : Symbols.eva_symbol_list -> Abstract.eva_spec -> Abstract.eva_spec
coerce_spec sl sp applies Types.coerce_lterm sl to every term of the given spec sp, except in (codomains of) sessions.
Returns the spec obtained.

Note: that the session (i.e. substitutions)\ do not need to be coerced because they are applied to coerced (typed) variable.