Index of modules

Abstract []
Abstract syntax for protocol specifications
Alias []
Control and replacement of alias symbols in terms and protocol specifications.

Debugpp []
Dump specifications in abstract syntax for debugging puposes.

Error []
Module for printing errors
Evalex []
Lexical analyser for protocol specifications in LAEVA concrete syntax
Evaparse []
Evapp []
Pretty print a specification in abstract syntax into a LAEVA concrete syntax, with additional constructions for definition of separate processes.

Location []
Locations of the elements in a source file

Pp []
Iterator functions used in pretty printers

Symbols []
Manage the abstract data type of symbols of the protocol specifications

Termutil []
Utilities for term replacement in abstract protocol specifications
Trace []
Debug module, functions for trace and internal errors
Translator []
Module for checking a specification in abstract syntax, and translating a specification a la BAN (several processes in a single message list) into a multi processes specification.
Types []
Module for type checking and type convertion