Library ZFfixrec

Specialized version of transfinite recursion where the case of limit ordinals is union and the stage ordinal is fed to the step function.
(F o x) produces value for stage o+1 given x the value for stage o
  Variable F : set -> set -> set.
  Hypothesis Fmorph : morph2 F.

Let G f o := sup o (fun o' => F o' (f o')).

Let Gm : Proper ((eq_set ==> eq_set) ==> eq_set ==> eq_set) G.

Let Gmorph : o f f', eq_fun o f f' -> G f o == G f' o.

Definition of the recursor
  Definition REC := TR G.

  Instance REC_morph : morph1 REC.

  Lemma REC_fun_ext : x, isOrd x -> ext_fun x (fun y => F y (REC y)).
Hint Resolve REC_fun_ext.

  Lemma REC_eq : o,
    isOrd o ->
    REC o == sup o (fun o' => F o' (REC o')).

  Lemma REC_intro : o o' x,
    isOrd o ->
    lt o' o ->
    x F o' (REC o') ->
    x REC o.

  Lemma REC_elim : o x,
    isOrd o ->
    x REC o ->
    exists2 o', lt o' o & x F o' (REC o').

  Lemma REC_mono : increasing REC.

  Lemma REC_incl : o, isOrd o ->
     o', lt o' o ->
    REC o' REC o.

  Lemma REC_initial : REC zero == empty.

  Lemma REC_typ : n X,
    isOrd n ->
    ( o a, lt o n -> a X o -> F o a X (osucc o)) ->
    ( m G, isOrd m -> m n ->
     ext_fun m G ->
     ( x, lt x m -> G x X (osucc x)) -> sup m G X m) ->
    REC n X n.

End TransfiniteIteration.
Hint Resolve REC_fun_ext.

Building a function by transfinite iteration. The domain of the function grows along the iteration process.

Section Recursor.

The maximal ordinal we are allowed to iterate over
  Variable ord : set.
  Hypothesis oord : isOrd ord.

Let oordlt := fun o olt => isOrd_inv _ o oord olt.

The domain of the function to build (indexed by ordinals):
  Variable T : set -> set.

An invariant (e.g. typing)
  Variable Q : set -> set -> Prop.

  Let Ty o f := isOrd o /\ is_cc_fun (T o) f /\ Q o f.

The step function
  Variable F : set -> set -> set.

  Definition stage_irrelevance :=
     o o' f g,
    o' ord ->
    o o' ->
    Ty o f -> Ty o' g ->
    fcompat (T o) f g ->
    fcompat (T (osucc o)) (F o f) (F o' g).

  Record recursor := mkRecursor {
    rec_dom_m : morph1 T;
    rec_dom_cont : o, isOrd o ->
      T o == sup o (fun o' => T (osucc o'));
    rec_inv_m : o o',
      isOrd o -> o ord -> o == o' ->
       f f', fcompat (T o) f f' -> Q o f -> Q o' f';
    rec_inv_cont : o f,
      isOrd o ->
      o ord ->
      is_cc_fun (T o) f ->
      ( o', o' o -> Q (osucc o') f) ->
      Q o f;
    rec_body_m : morph2 F;
    rec_body_typ : o f,
      isOrd o -> o ord ->
      is_cc_fun (T o) f -> Q o f ->
      is_cc_fun (T (osucc o)) (F o f) /\ Q (osucc o) (F o f);
    rec_body_irrel : stage_irrelevance

  Hypothesis Hrecursor : recursor.
  Let Tm := rec_dom_m Hrecursor.
  Let Tcont := rec_dom_cont Hrecursor.
  Let Qm := rec_inv_m Hrecursor.
  Let Qcont := rec_inv_cont Hrecursor.
  Let Fm := rec_body_m Hrecursor.
  Let Ftyp := rec_body_typ Hrecursor.
  Let Firrel := rec_body_irrel Hrecursor.

  Lemma Tmono : o o', isOrd o -> o' o ->
    T (osucc o') T o.

  Lemma Ftyp' : o f, o ord -> Ty o f -> Ty (osucc o) (F o f).

Definition fincr o :=
 fdirected o (fun z => T (osucc z)) (fun z => F z (REC F z)).
Hint Unfold fincr.

Lemma fincr_cont : o,
  isOrd o ->
  ( z, z o -> fincr (osucc z)) ->
  fincr o.

Definition inv z := Ty z (REC F z) /\ fincr (osucc z).

Lemma fty_step : o, isOrd o ->
  o ord ->
  ( z, z o -> Ty z (REC F z)) ->
  fincr o ->
  Ty o (REC F o).

Lemma finc_ext x z :
  isOrd x -> isOrd z ->
  x ord ->
  ( w, w x -> Ty w (REC F w)) ->
  fincr x ->
  z x ->
  fcompat (T z) (REC F z) (REC F x).

Lemma finc_ext2 o o' z :
  isOrd o -> isOrd o' ->
  o ord ->
  o' ord ->
  ( w, w o o' -> Ty w (REC F w)) ->
  fincr (o o') ->
  z T o ->
  z T o' ->
  cc_app (REC F o) z == cc_app (REC F o') z.

Lemma finc_step : o,
  isOrd o ->
  o ord ->
  ( z, z o -> Ty z (REC F z)) ->
  fincr o ->
  fincr (osucc o).

Invariant inv holds for any ordinal up to ord.
Lemma REC_inv : o,
  isOrd o -> o ord -> inv o.

Lemma REC_step : o o',
  isOrd o ->
  isOrd o' ->
  o o' ->
  o' ord ->
  fcompat (T o) (REC F o) (F o' (REC F o')).

Section REC_Eqn.

  Lemma REC_wt : is_cc_fun (T ord) (REC F ord) /\ Q ord (REC F ord).

  Lemma REC_typing : Q ord (REC F ord).

  Lemma REC_ord_irrel o o' x:
    isOrd o ->
    isOrd o' ->
    o o' ->
    o' ord ->
    x T o ->
    cc_app (REC F o) x == cc_app (REC F o') x.

  Lemma REC_ind : P x,
    Proper (eq_set==>eq_set==>eq_set==>iff) P ->
    ( o x, isOrd o -> o ord ->
     x T o ->
     ( o' y, lt o' o -> y T o' -> P o' y (cc_app (REC F ord) y)) ->
     P o x (cc_app (F ord (REC F ord)) x)) ->
    x T ord ->
    P ord x (cc_app (REC F ord) x).

  Lemma REC_ext G :
    is_cc_fun (T ord) G ->
    ( o', o' ord ->
     REC F o' == cc_lam (T o') (cc_app G) ->
     fcompat (T (osucc o')) G (F o' (cc_lam (T o') (cc_app G)))) ->
    REC F ord == G.

  Lemma REC_expand : x,
    x T ord -> cc_app (REC F ord) x == cc_app (F ord (REC F ord)) x.

  Lemma REC_eqn :
    REC F ord == cc_lam (T ord) (fun x => cc_app (F ord (REC F ord)) x).

End REC_Eqn.

End Recursor.