Library Logics

This module declares signature for reasoning with abstract logics. It also defines negated translation and A-translation, thus providing a basis for interpreting classical logic.

Abstract Higher-Order Logic

Module Type HOLogic.

 (prop : Type)
 (TT FF : prop)
 (Not : prop -> prop)
 (Imp And Or : prop -> prop -> prop)
 (Forall Exist: {A}, (A -> prop) -> prop)
 (Ex2 : {A}, (A -> prop) -> (A -> prop) -> prop).

Inference rules
 (holds : prop -> Prop)
 (rTT : holds TT)
 (rFF : P, holds FF -> holds P)
 (rAnd : P Q, (holds (And P Q) <-> holds P /\ holds Q))
 (rImp : P Q, (holds (Imp P Q) <-> (holds P -> holds Q)))
 (rForall : A P, (holds (Forall P) <-> x:A, holds (P x)))
 (rNot : P, holds (Not P) <-> (holds P -> holds FF))
 (rOrI : P Q, holds P \/ holds Q -> holds (Or P Q))
 (rOrE : P Q C, (holds P \/ holds Q -> holds C) -> holds (Or P Q) -> holds C)
 (rExI : A P, (exists (x:A), holds (P x)) -> holds (Exist P))
 (rExE : A P C, ( x:A, holds (P x) -> holds C) -> holds (Exist P) -> holds C)
 (rEx2I : A (P Q:A->prop), (exists2 x, holds (P x) & holds (Q x)) -> holds (Ex2 P Q))
 (rEx2E : A P Q C, ( x:A, holds (P x) -> holds (Q x) -> holds C) ->
                         holds (Ex2 P Q) -> holds C).
End HOLogic.

A logic is consistent if FF cannot be derived
Module Type ConsistentLogic.

Include HOLogic.
Parameter rCons : ~ holds FF.

End ConsistentLogic.

An intuitionistic logic is a logic that embeds all of Prop

Module Type IntuitionisticLogic.
  Include ConsistentLogic.

prop is isomorphic to Prop up to <->
  Parameter Atom : Prop -> prop.
  Parameter rAtom : P, holds (Atom P) <-> P.

End IntuitionisticLogic.

A classical logic is a logic that derives ~~P->P forall all P. Given a logic, the set of propositions s.t. ~~P->P can be embedded.

Module Type ClassicalLogic (L:HOLogic).
  Include HOLogic.

  Parameter Atom : P:L.prop, (((L.holds P->L.holds L.FF)->L.holds L.FF)->L.holds P) -> prop.
  Parameter rAtom : P h, holds (@Atom P h) <-> L.holds P.
  Parameter rClassic : P, holds (Not (Not P)) -> holds P.

End ClassicalLogic.

Negated translation: interpretation of classical propositions in intuitionistic ones.

Negated translation: A\/B is ~~(A\/B) and exists x.P(x) is ~~exists x. P(x)

Require Import Setoid.

Module NegatedTranslation (L:HOLogic) <: ClassicalLogic L.

  Notation Fa := (L.holds L.FF).

  Record _prop : Type := mkp { nnf : L.prop; nnh : ((L.holds nnf->Fa)->Fa) -> L.holds nnf }.
  Definition prop := _prop.
  Definition Atom := mkp.

Definition holds P := L.holds(nnf P).

Lemma rAtom P h : holds (@Atom P h) <-> L.holds P.

Definition TT : prop.
exists L.TT.

Definition FF : prop.
exists L.FF; auto.

Definition Imp (P Q:prop) : prop.
exists (L.Imp (nnf P) (nnf Q)).
Definition Not P := Imp P FF.

Definition And (P Q:prop) : prop.
exists (L.And (nnf P) (nnf Q)).

Definition Forall {A} (P:A -> prop) : prop.
exists (L.Forall(fun x=> nnf(P x))).

Disjunction: alternative def ~(~P/\~Q) Equivalent since ~~(P\/Q) <-> ~(~P/\~Q) is an intuitionistic tautology.
Definition Or (P Q:prop) : prop.
exists (L.Not (L.Not (L.Or (nnf P) (nnf Q)))).

Existential: alternative def ~forall x, ~ P x Equivalent since ~~(exists x, P x) <-> ~forall x, ~ P x is an intuitionistic tautology.
Definition Exist {A} (P:A->prop) : prop.
exists (L.Not (L.Not (L.Exist(fun x => nnf (P x))))).

Definition Ex2 {A} P Q := Exist (fun x:A => And (P x) (Q x)).

Lemma rTT : holds TT.
Lemma rFF P : holds FF -> holds P.
Lemma rAnd : P Q, (holds (And P Q) <-> holds P /\ holds Q).

Lemma rImp : P Q, (holds (Imp P Q) <-> (holds P -> holds Q)).

Lemma rForall : A P, (holds (Forall P) <-> x:A, holds (P x)).

Lemma rNot P : holds (Not P) <-> (holds P -> Fa).

Lemma rOrI : P Q, holds P \/ holds Q -> holds (Or P Q).

Lemma rOrE : P Q C, (holds P \/ holds Q -> holds C) -> holds (Or P Q) -> holds C.

Lemma rExI : A P, (exists (x:A), holds (P x)) -> holds (Exist P).

Lemma rExE : A P C,
  ( x:A, holds (P x) -> holds C) -> holds (Exist P) -> holds C.

Lemma rEx2I : A (P Q:A->prop),
  (exists2 x, holds (P x) & holds (Q x)) -> holds (Ex2 P Q).

Lemma rEx2E : A P Q C,
  ( x:A, holds (P x) -> holds (Q x) -> holds C) ->
  holds (Ex2 P Q) ->
  holds C.

Lemma rClassic : P, holds (Not (Not P)) -> holds P.

Lemma equiCons : ~ holds FF <-> ~ L.holds L.FF.

End NegatedTranslation.

A couple of instances: intuitionistic and classical logic

The logic of Coq
Module CoqLogic <: IntuitionisticLogic.

Definition prop := Prop.
Definition holds (P:prop) := P.
Definition TT := True.
Definition FF := False.
Definition Not P := ~ P.
Definition Imp (P Q:prop) := P->Q.
Definition And P Q := P /\ Q.
Definition Or P Q := P \/ Q.
Definition Forall {A} (P:A->Prop) := x:A, P x.
Definition Exist {A} P := exists x:A, P x.
Definition Ex2 {A} (P Q:A->prop) := exists2 x, P x & Q x.
Definition Iff := iff.
Definition Atom (P:Prop) := P.
Lemma rAtom : P, holds (Atom P) <-> P.

Lemma rTT : holds TT.
Lemma rFF P : holds FF -> holds P.
Lemma rAnd P Q : (holds (And P Q) <-> holds P /\ holds Q).

Lemma rImp P Q : (holds (Imp P Q) <-> (holds P -> holds Q)).

Lemma rForall A P : (holds (Forall P) <-> x:A, holds (P x)).

Lemma rNot P : holds (Not P) <-> ~ holds P.

Lemma rOrI P Q : holds P \/ holds Q -> holds (Or P Q).

Lemma rOrE P Q C : (holds P \/ holds Q -> holds C) -> holds (Or P Q) -> holds C.

Lemma rExI A P : (exists (x:A), holds (P x)) -> holds (Exist P).

Lemma rExE A P C : ( x:A, holds (P x) -> holds C) -> holds (Exist P) -> holds C.

Lemma rEx2I A (P Q:A->Prop): (exists2 x, holds (P x) & holds (Q x)) -> holds (Ex2 P Q).

Lemma rEx2E A P Q C : ( x:A, holds (P x) -> holds (Q x) -> holds C) -> holds (Ex2 P Q) -> holds C.

Lemma rIff P Q : holds (Iff P Q) <-> (holds P <-> holds Q).

Lemma rCons : ~ holds FF.
End CoqLogic.

Classical logic as the negated translation of intuitionisitc logic


Module Atranslation (L:HOLogic) .

Record _prop : Type := Prop_inj
  { Atr : L.prop->L.prop;
    Aimpl : A:L.prop, L.holds A -> L.holds (Atr A) }.
Definition prop := _prop.

Definition TT : prop := Prop_inj (fun _ => L.TT) (fun _ _ => L.rTT).
Definition FF : prop := Prop_inj (fun A => A) (fun _ a => a).

Definition Atom (P:L.prop) : prop.
exists (fun A => L.Or P A).

Definition Imp (P Q:prop) : prop.
exists (fun A => L.Imp (Atr P A) (Atr Q A)).
Definition Not P := Imp P FF.

Definition And (P Q:prop) : prop.
exists (fun A => L.And (Atr P A) (Atr Q A)).

Definition Forall {B} (P:B -> prop) : prop.
exists (fun A => L.Forall(fun x => Atr (P x) A)).

Definition Or (P Q:prop) : prop.
exists (fun A => L.Or (Atr P A) (Atr Q A)).

Existential: we need to add an extra disjunction to accomodate higher-order logics, when the quantified domain might be empty: we need (forall x:B. P(x)) -> (exists x:B. P(x)). Either we can provide an t:B, or we put an extra disjunction.
Definition Exist {B} (P:B->prop) : prop.
exists (fun A => L.Or (L.Exist(fun x => Atr (P x) A)) A).

Definition Ex2 {B} (P Q:B->prop) := Exist(fun x => And (P x) (Q x)).

Section Make.
Variable A : L.prop.

Definition holds P := L.holds (Atr P A).

Lemma rTT : holds TT.

Lemma rFF : Q, holds FF -> holds Q.

Lemma rAnd : P Q, holds (And P Q) <-> holds P /\ holds Q.

Lemma rImp : P Q, (holds (Imp P Q) <-> (holds P -> holds Q)).

Lemma rForall : T P, (holds (Forall P) <-> x:T, holds (P x)).

Lemma rNot : P, holds (Not P) <-> (holds P -> L.holds A).

Lemma rOrI : P Q, holds P \/ holds Q -> holds (Or P Q).

Lemma rOrE : P Q C, (holds P \/ holds Q -> holds C) -> holds (Or P Q) -> holds C.

Lemma rExI : T P, (exists (x:T), holds (P x)) -> holds (Exist P).

Lemma rExE : T P C, ( x:T, holds (P x) -> holds C) -> holds (Exist P) -> holds C.

Lemma rEx2I : T (P Q:T->prop), (exists2 x, holds (P x) & holds (Q x)) -> holds (Ex2 P Q).

Lemma rEx2E : T P Q C, ( x:T, holds (P x) -> holds (Q x) -> holds C) -> holds (Ex2 P Q) -> holds C.

Specific properties of A-translation
  • it is consistent only for non-derivable A
  • the embedding of atomic propositions adds a disjunction with A

Lemma rA : holds FF <-> L.holds A.

Lemma rAtom P : holds (Atom P) <-> L.holds (L.Or P A).

Lemma rAtomI P : L.holds P -> holds (Atom P).

End Make.

Definition holdsA P := A, holds A P.

Lemma rConsA : holdsA FF <-> L.holds L.FF.

If ~~exists x, P x is derivable in the A-translated logic, then we have a derivation of exists x, P x in the original logic.

Lemma rNotNot T (P:T->L.prop) :
  holdsA (Not (Not (Exist (fun x => Atom (P x))))) ->
  L.holds (L.Exist(fun x => P x)).

If forall x, P x => ~~exists y, Q x y is derivable (in the A-translated logic) then forall x, Px -> exists y, Q x y is derivable in the original logic.
Lemma rDescr T1 T2 (P:T1->L.prop) (Q:T1->T2->L.prop) :
  (holdsA (Forall(fun x => Imp (Atom (P x)) (Not (Not (Exist (fun y => Atom (Q x y)))))))) ->
   x, L.holds (P x) -> L.holds (L.Exist(fun y => Q x y)).

End Atranslation.