Module Hex

module Hex: sig .. end

Support for hexagonal grids as used in Hey That's My Fish!

Grids and positions

A hexagonal grid is represented as a matrix. The details on the mapping from hexagonal to square grids do not matter. Positions in the grid are thus simply pairs of integers.

We make use of char grid when printing, and bool grid when we only need to know which cells are avaiable.

type pos = int * int 
type 'a grid = 'a array array 


type dir = 
| N
| NE
| SE
| S
| SW
| NW

There are six directions for moving: north, north-east, etc.

val all_directions : dir list

List of all possible directions.

type move = dir * int 

A movement is a direction and an integer indicating how many steps must be taken in that direction.

val move : pos -> dir -> pos

move p d indicates the position obtained when moving from p in direction d with just one step.

val move_n : pos -> move -> pos

Compute the position resulting from an arbitrary move.

Parsing and printing

Display grids on formatters.

val pp_char_grid : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> char grid -> unit
val pp_bool_grid : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> bool grid -> unit
val pp_solution : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> bool grid -> pos array -> unit

pp_solution fmt grid path displays the grid on fmt, and shows a path (list of positions) on it. It is meant to be used to visualize problem solutions.

val from_channel : Stdlib.in_channel -> pos * bool grid

Read a grid and initial position from some input channel.