Heap-Hop is hosted at bitbucket. On the bitbucket Heap-Hop page, you can browse the source code, download tarballs and submit bugs!
If you are in a hurry, you can download the latest development version here:
- tip.tar.gz (sources only, OCaml 3.07 or later required)
The latest stable version is 1.0:
- heaphop-1.0.tar.gz (sources only, OCaml 3.07 or later required)
- heaphop-1.0-with-binaries.tar.gz (with pre-compiled binaries for x86-64, and platform-independant bytecode)
Heap-Hop is licensed under the terms of the Q Public License.
Some associated papers are listed below.
- Tracking Heaps that Hop with Heap-Hop J. Villard, É. Lozes and C. Calcagno. In TACAS'10. Springer, 2010. To appear. (Tool paper) [paper]
- Proving Copyless Message Passing J. Villard, É. Lozes and C. Calcagno. In APLAS'09, LNCS. Springer, 2009. [paper] [slides]
- Proving Copyless Message Passing J. Villard. In YR-CONCUR'09, 2009. [paper]