Gabriel Hondet’s web page

Gabriel Hondet

1 PhD topic

Under the supervision of Frédéric Blanqui and Gilles Dowek.

The broad topic is the translation of PVS specifications and proofs into the λΠ calculus modulo theory.

PVS is a an environment made of a theorem prover, a type checker and a parser which allows to develop specifications and prove them. It has been used by the NASA (see, Fujitsu &c. In particular, it implements predicate sub-typing, which allows to write concise specifications and provides a rich type system.

λΠ calculus modulo extends λ calculus with

Pragmatically, the target of the translation is Dedukti, our implementation of the λΠ calculus modulo in OCaml.

An automatic translator is being developed. At the date of writing (August 2020), we translate 120kb of PVS’ standard library.

2 Teaching

At ENS Paris-Saclay in L3 and M1.

2.1 Se connecter aux machines 1S54

Pour que l’utilisateur user se connecte à la machine n de la salle 1S53,

ssh -AX -J

Il est probable que vous ayez à rentrer 2 fois votre mot de passe. Pour s’éviter ça, mettez en place des clefs SSH.

2.2 Projet programmation 1

Base de code du projet

2.2.1 Ressources pour Emacs

2.2.2 Cheatsheets

2.3 Architecture système

2.3.1 Pages de manuel

Le manuel Unix/Linux est une ressource inestimable pour ces TPs. Une question sur fork?

apropos fork
> fork (2)             - create a child process
> ...
man -s 2 fork

On peut aussi regarder les pages de manuel

2.3.2 Les travaux pratiques

2.3.3 Devoirs Maison

2.4 Rewriting

2.4.1 Homework

Homework, deadline: 2020-11-02, 12:00 GMT+01

2.5 Projet bases de données


2.5.1 Dates

2.5.2 Supports de cours

3 Publications

4 Contact

gabriel 🧶 hondet ✨ lsv 🧶 fr
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