Languages Formels
TP5: Pushdown Automata
Exercise 1 (Pushdown Automata Example)
1. Give a pushdown automaton that recognize the language
L1 = { uũ | u ∈ Σ*}
2. Give a pushdown automaton that recognize the Dyck language
3. Give a pushdown automaton that recognize the language
L2 ={w ∈ {a,b}* | |w|a = 2 |w|b}
4. Give a pushdown automaton accepting by empty stack that recognize the language
L3 = { an bp | 1 ≤ n ≤ p ≤ 2 n }
Exercise 2 (Pushdown Automata Variants)
Let A = (Q, Σ, Z, T, q0, z0, F) be a Pushdown Automaton.
1. Show that it is possible to build a Pushdown Automaton A' recognizing the same language
and such that
T' ⊆ Q' × Z × (Σ ∪ {ε}) × Q' × Z≤ 2.
2. Show that it is possible to build a Pushdown Automaton A'' recognizing the same language
and such that every movement of the stack are of the form push, pop or skip.
Exercise 3
We consider Pushdown Automata whose stack alphabet Γ is a singleton {z}.
a) Show that the language L={anbmc| n≥ m ≥ 1} can be recognized by a automaton accepting by empty stack and final state whose stack alphabet is a singleton.
b) Show that the language L={anbmc| n≥ m ≥ 1} cannot be recognized by a automaton accepting by empty stack whose stack alphabet is a singleton.
Exercise 4
1. Let A = (Q,Σ,Z,T,q0,z0,F,K) be a Deterministic Pushdown Automaton
accepting by top of the stack and by final state (i.e. a configuration (q,az) is accepting iff (q,z) ∈ K ⊆ Q × Z).
Show that we can effectively build an equivalent Deterministic Pushdown Automaton
accepting by final state.
2. Let A be a Deterministic Pushdown Automaton.
Show we can effectively build an equivalent Deterministic Pushdown Automaton
whose ε-transitions
are all of the form : (p,x) ε→ (q,ε).
Exercise 5 (Others Examples)
Show that the complement of the language
L0 = { uu | y ∈ Σ*}
can be recognized by a Pushdown Automaton.
Show that the complement of the language
L1 = { uũ | u ∈ Σ*}
can be recognized by a Pushdown Automaton.