Jean Goubault-Larrecq
Full Professor
- My GPG public key (but beware of spoofing...)
- The general topology blog. This
serves as a collection of supplements to my book, "Non-Hausdorff
Topology and Domain Theory - Selected Topics in Point-Set Topology",
Cambridge University
- A few open
problems. I am looking for bright students: if you think you
can solve one, please get in touch with me!
- Lecture notes, in brief:Programming and
(L3), Graph
and computer science - the lambda-calculus
(L3), Advanced
complexity theory, see
also here
if anything is missing from the previous page (M1),
Theory of
databases (M2 FESUP -
agrégation), Algorithmic
aspects of the theory of well-quasi-orders (M2 MPRI),
for the agrégation. More details on the French version of this Web page.
- English, by a real Frenchman
- Some ongoing projects. Beware! I've got
a tendency to try and write a few pages on a given topic
to get things straight, then it ends as a book...
- Le Pavé ("cobblestone"): A wonderful theory of games, belief functions, plausibilities, and previsions in a topological setting: pdf.
I am planning to rewrite everything, as a book, in English.
My topology book will serve as foundations.
- The ORCHIDS page.
ORCHIDS is a real-time, multi-event, multi-source intrusion detection tool
based on efficient temporal model-checking algorithms.
Get in touch with me if you are interested.
- the GimML language
- The H1 tool suite: a set of tools for handling finite tree automata,
set constraints, doing automated deduction in the decidable class H1.
Written almost exclusively in GimML.
- A few recent or less recent talks:
- A
journey through the semantics of higher-order probabilistic
languages,domain theory, and topology, talk at the
yearly seminar of LMF, June 13th, 2023.
- Topological
functors and Cartesian-closed categories, talk (video) at the
seminar on Categorical Topology, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, México, May 24th, 2023.
- On
completeness for Kantorovich Rubinstein quasi-metrics,
invited talk at the 9th International Symposium on Domain Theory
online, July 4-6th, 2022, Singapore.
- Continuous R-valuations,
contributed talk at the 9th International Symposium on Domain Theory
online, July 4-6th, 2022, Singapore.
- Noetherian
spaces, wqos, and their statures, invited talk at the 10th Conference on Topology, Algebra, Categories in
June 20-24, 2022, Coimbra, Portugal.
- Is
there a Fubini-Tonelli-type theorem for continuous valuations
on Dcpo?, seminar given at Hunan University,
Changsha, Hunan, China, April 14th, 2022.
- A probabilistic and
non-deterministic call-by-push-value language, talk
at the LICS 2019 international conference, Vancouver,
BC, Canada; see also the long version
of the same talk
- Domain-complete
and LCS-complete spaces, invited talk at the International
Symposium on Domain Theory (ISDT), Yangzhou, Jiangsu, Chine,
- Previsions=powercones,
invited talk at the International Symposium on Domain Theory
(ISDT), ShiJiaZhuang, Hebei, Chine, 2017
- A semantics for ∇,
Dale Miller Festschrift, Paris, France, 2016
- On the complexity of monitoring Orchids
signatures, Runtime Verification conference, Madrid,
Spain, 2016
- A few things on Noetherian
spaces, plenary invited talk,
Summer Topology Conference, Leicester, UK, 2016
- An introduction to asymmetric
topology and domain theory: why, what and how, invited talk,
Colloquium, Leicester, UK, 2016
- Formal balls, invited talk, Domains
XII, Cork, Ireland, 2015
- The VJGL lemma, invited talk,
mini-workshop 38 "Well-quasi orders: from theory to
applications" of the Jahrestagung der deutschen
Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Hamburg, Germany, 2015
- Miscellaneous tasks and duties: head of the
group (interactions) at LMF (2020-), of the
MPRI curriculum at University Paris-Saclay (2021-),
of the M2
MPRI programme itself (2024-);
member of
`commission formation'
of the Digicosme labex (2016-2022),
of the `comité de mention informatique des masters'
of University Paris-Saclay (2021-);
member of the
outstanding dissertation award of the EACSL (2019-23, 2025-);
member of the steering committee of the EACSL (2021-).
- Earlier: in charge of
preparation to agrégation option D computer science at ENS Paris-Saclay (2017-2021);
PC cochair
of FOSSACS'2020 and
coeditor of the associated special issue of the
journal LMCS
(with Barbara
PC cochair of CSL'2021
(with Christel