HEVEA is a quite complete and fast LATEX to HTML translator by Luc Maranget.
HEVEA is written in Objective Caml.
You should visit the home page of  HEVEA.

Here you find the binaries of HEVEA for Mac OS X 10.3.3.
In order to install it you should simply
sudo cp bin/* /usr/local/bin/
sudo cp -R lib/hevea /usr/local/lib/

If you want to compile it yourself, you should install first the latest version of Objective Caml (I've done this through fink). Then you can download the source files from the HEVEA homepage. In order to compile it on OS X 10.3.3, I had to change in the Makefile the line

CPP=cpp -E -P
CPP=m4 -E -P