Caroline Fontaine : publications
Chapters in books
Processing Encrypted Multimedia Data Using Homomorphic Encryption,
S. Canard , S. Carpov , C. Fontaine and R. Sirdey.
Multimedia Security 2: Biometrics, Video Surveillance and Multimedia Encryption Chapter 6, pp.173-213, Wiley (2022)
Traiter des données multimédia chiffrées grâce au chiffrement homomorphe, S. Canard, S. Carpov, C. Fontaine and R. Sirdey. Sécurité multimédia 2 : biométrie, protection et chiffrement multimédia, chapter 6, pp 191-232, ISTE, (2021)
synchronous stream cipher, self-synchronizing stream cipher, non-linear feedback shift register, clock-controlled generator, shrinking generator, self-shrinking generator, linear congruential generator, summation generator, E0 (Bluetooth cipher), RC4, SEAL, C. Fontaine. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, Springer-Verlag (2nd Edition, updated, 2011), ISBN 978-1-4419-5905-8
Watermarking Security, F. Cayre, C. Fontaine and T. Furon. Digital Audio Watermarking Techniques and Technologies: Applications and Benchmarking, Idea Group Publishing, (2007) [BibTeX]
synchronous stream cipher, self-synchronizing stream cipher, non-linear feedback shift register, clock-controlled generator, shrinking generator, self-shrinking generator, linear congruential generator, summation generator, E0 (Bluetooth cipher), RC4, SEAL, C. Fontaine. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, Springer-Verlag (2005), ISBN 0-387-23473-X [BibTeX]
Nouveaux outils pour l'évaluation des algorithmes de tatouage, F. Petitcolas and C. Fontaine. Tatouage de documents audiovisuels numériques, chapter 6, pp 195-214, Hermès-Lavoisier (2004), ISBN 2-7462-0816-4 (in French) [BibTeX]
International Journals
Efficient image tampering localization using semi-fragile watermarking and error control codes, P. Lefèvre, P. Carré, C. Fontaine, P. Gaborit, J. Huang. Signal Processing,
Volume 190, January 2022, 108342, Elsevier.
Illuminating the Dark or how to recover what should not be seen in FE-based classifiers, S. Carpov, C. Fontaine, D. Ligier and R. Sirdey. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2020, Volume 2020, Issue 2, pp 5-23.
Design and Implementation of Low Depth Pairing-based Homomorphic Encryption Scheme, V. Herbert, B. Biswas, C. Fontaine. Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 2019, Volume 9, pp 185-201. related GitHub repository.
Practical Parameters for Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption Schemes on Binary Circuits, V. Migliore, G. Bonnoron, C. Fontaine. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Special Section on Cryptographic Engineering in a Post-Quantum World, 2018, Vol 67, Issue 11, pp 1550-1560.
Stream Ciphers: A Practical Solution for Efficient Homomorphic-Ciphertext Compression, A. Canteaut, S. Carpov, C. Fontaine, T. Lepoint, M. Naya-Plasencia, P. Paillier, R. Sirdey. Journal of Cryptology, Volume 31, Issue 3, pp 885–916, July 2018.
A High-Speed Accelerator for Homomorphic Encryption using the Karatsuba Algorithm, V. Migliore, M. Méndez Real, V. Lapôtre, A. Tisserand, C. Fontaine, G. Gogniat, R. Tessier. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), Volume 16, Issue 5s, Art. num. 138, ACM (2017), selection of papers submitted to international conference CODES+ISSS 2017.
Hardware/Software co-Design of an Accelerator for FV Homomorphic Encryption Scheme using Karatsuba Algorithm, V. Migliore, M. Méndez Real, V. Lapôtre, A. Tisserand, C. Fontaine, G. Gogniat. IEEE Transactions on Computers 67(3):335-347, IEEE (2018).
Recent advances in homomorphic encryption: a possible future for signal processing in the encrypted domain, C. Aguilar-Melchor, S. Fau, C. Fontaine, G. Gogniat, R. Sirdey. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Number 2, Volume 30, pp. 108-117 (2013), special issue "Signal Processing in the Encrypted Domain: When Cryptography Meets Signal Processing".
How Reed-Solomon codes can improve steganographic schemes, C. Fontaine, F. Galand. EURASIP Journal on Information Security, Volume 2009, Article ID 274845 (2009), special issue "Secure Steganography in Multimedia Content" [BibTeX]
An end-to-end security architecture for multimedia content distribution on mobile phones, C. Fontaine, C. Delpha, P. Duhamel, A. Benjelloun Touimi, M. Milhau, A. Le Guyader, C. Giraud, D. Martin. ISAST Transactions on Communications and Networking, Number 1, Volume 2, pp. 81-91 (2008) [BibTeX]
A survey of homomorphic encryption for non-specialists, C. Fontaine, F. Galand. EURASIP Journal on Information Security, Volume 2007, Article ID 13801 (2007), special issue "Signal Processing in the Encrypted Domain" [BibTeX]
Watermarking Security: Theory and Practice, F. Cayre, C. Fontaine, T. Furon. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 53, Number 10, pp 3976-3987 (Oct 2005), special issue "Supplement on Secure Media III" [BibTeX]
On cryptographic properties of the cosets of R(1,m), A. Canteaut, C. Carlet, P. Charpin and C. Fontaine. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 47, Number 4, pp 1494-1513 (May 2001), regular paper [BibTeX]
On some cosets of the first-order Reed-Muller code with high minimum weight, C. Fontaine. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 45, Number 4, pp 1237-1243 (May 1999) [BibTeX]
Secure Delivery of Images over Open Networks, D. Augot, J.M. Boucqueau, J.-F. Delaigle, C. Fontaine, E. Goray. Proceedings of the IEEE, special issue on "Identification and protection of multimedia information", invited paper, Volume 87, Number 7, pp 1251-1266 (July 1999) [BibTeX]
National Journals
Décodage EM du codes de Tardos pour le fingerprinting, A. Charpentier, C. Fontaine and T. Furon. Traitement du Signal, Volume 27, Number 2, pp. 127-147 (2010) [BibTeX]
Évaluation automatique des méthodes de tatouage, F. Raynal, F.A. Petitcolas and C. Fontaine. Traitement du Signal, special issue "Tatouage et sécurité de l'information, Volume 18, Number 4 (2001) [BibTeX]
International Conferences
A Logic and an Interactive Prover for the Computational Post-Quantum Security of Protocols, C. Cremers, C. Fontaine, C. Jacomme. 2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), pp. 125-141, Springer-Verlag (2022).
A Note on Ring-LWE Security in the Case of Fully Homomorphic Encryption, G. Bonnoron, C. Fontaine. Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10698, pp. 27-43, Springer-Verlag (2017).
End-to-end data security for IoT: from a cloud of encryptions to encryption in the cloud, A. Canteaut, S. Carpov, C. Fontaine, T. Lepoint, M. Naya-Plasencia, P. Paillier, R. Sirdey, A. Atria.
Data protection facing cyber threats (C&ESAR 2017).
A Methodology to Assess Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures Impact on the Missions of a Naval System, B. Sultan, F. Dagnat, C. Fontaine. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on the Security of Industrial Control Systems and of Cyber-Physical Systems (CyberICPS 2017), (2017).
Information leakage analysis of inner-product functional encryption based data classification, D. Ligier, S. Carpov, C. Fontaine, R. Sirdey. Proceedings of PST 2017, IEEE (2017), to appear.
Privacy Preserving Data Classification using Inner-product Functional Encryption, D. Ligier, S. Carpov, C. Fontaine, R. Sirdey. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2017), pp. 423-430, SciTePress (2017).
Somewhat/Fully Homomorphic Encryption: Implementation Progresses and Challenges, G. Bonnoron, C. Fontaine, G. Gogniat, V. Herbert, V. Lapôtre, V. Migliore, A. Roux-Langlois. Proceedings of Second International Conference on Codes, Cryptology and Information Security (C2SI 2017), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10194, pp. 68-82, Springer-Verlag (2017). Invited talk.
Privacy Preserving Data Classification Using Inner Product Encryption, D. Ligier, S. Carpov, C. Fontaine, R. Sirdey. 12th International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm 2016), Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 198, pp. 755-757, Springer-Verlag (2017).
Fast polynomial arithmetic for Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption operations in hardware with Karatsuba algorithm, V. Migliore, M. Méndez Real, V. Lapôtre, A. Tisserand, C. Fontaine, G. Gogniat. IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT 2016), pp. 209-212, IEEE (2016).
New results about Tu-Deng's conjecture, S. Qarboua, J. Schrek, C. Fontaine. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2016), pp. 485-489, IEEE (2016).
Stream Ciphers: A Practical Solution for Efficient Homomorphic-Ciphertext Compression, A. Canteaut, S. Carpov, C. Fontaine, T. Lepoint, M. Naya-Plasencia, P. Paillier, R. Sirdey. 23rd International Conference on Fast Software Encryption (FSE 2016), to appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9783, pp. 313-333, Springer-Verlag (2016). Preprint available here:
Exploration of Polynomial Multiplication Algorithms for Homomorphic Encryption Schemes, V. Migliore, M. Méndez Real, V. Lapôtre, A. Tisserand, C. Fontaine, G. Gogniat. IEEE International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig 2015), pp. 1-6, IEEE (2015).
Private asymmetric fingerprinting : a protocol with optimal traitor tracing using Tardos codes, C. Fontaine, S. Gambs, J. Lolive, C. Onete. Third International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security in Latin America (Latincrypt'14). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8895, pp.199-218, Springer-Verlag (2014)
Towards practical program execution over fully homomorphic encryption schemes, S. Fau, R. Sirdey, C. Fontaine, C. Aguilar-Melchor, and G. Gogniat. 8th IEEE International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, pp. 284-290, IEEE (2013)
Ensuring message embedding in wet paper steganography, D. Augot, M. Barbier, C. Fontaine. 13th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7089, pp. 244-258, Springer-Verlag (2011)
An Asymmetric Fingerprinting Scheme based on Tardos Codes, A. Charpentier, C. Fontaine, T. Furon, I. Cox. 13th Information Hiding - IH'11, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6958, pp. 43-58, Springer-Verlag (2011)
Towards Robust and Secure Watermarking, F. Xie, T. Furon, C. Fontaine. ACM Multimedia & Security, MM&SEC'10, pp. 153-159 (2010) [BibTeX]
Better security levels for 'Broken Arrows', F. Xie, T. Furon, C. Fontaine. IS&T/SPIE International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2010 : Media Forensics and Security XII, Proceedings of the SPIE 7541, SPIE (2010) [BibTeX]
Expectation Maximisation decoding of Tardos probabilistic fingerprinting code, A. Charpentier, F. Xie, C. Fontaine, T. Furon. IS&T/SPIE International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2009 : Media Forensics and Security XI, Proceedings of the SPIE 7254, SPIE (2009) [BibTeX]
On-Off keying modulation and Tardos fingerprinting, F. Xie, T. Furon, C. Fontaine. ACM Multimedia & Security, MM&SEC'08 (2008) [BibTeX]
Dirty Paper Coding with Partial State Information, C. Dikici, C. Guillemot, C. Fontaine, K. Idrissi, A. Baskurt. IEEE International Symposium on Image/Video Communications over fixed and mobile networks, ISIVC 2008 (2008) [BibTeX]
How can Reed-Solomon codes improve steganographic schemes, C. Fontaine, F. Galand. 9th Information Hiding - IH'07, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag (2007) [BibTeX]
Enhanced Security Architecture for Music Distribution on Mobile, A. Benjelloun-Touimi, J.-B. Fischer, C. Fontaine, C. Giraud, M. Milhau. European Symposium on Research in Computer Security - ESORICS 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4189, pp 97-109, Springer-Verlag (2006) [BibTeX]
Secured diffusion of music on mobile: an end-to-end approach, D. Azemard, A. Benjelloun-Touimi, C. Delpha, P. Duhamel, J.-B. Fischer, C. Fontaine, C. Giraud, A. Le Guyader, P. Martin, M. Milhau. Taiwanese-French conference on Information Technology, TFIT'06, invited paper, INRIA (2006) [BibTeX]
A theoretical study of watermarking security, F. Cayre, C. Fontaine, T. Furon. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory -- ISIT 2005, IEEE (2005) [BibTeX]
Watermarking security, part one: theory, F. Cayre, C. Fontaine, T. Furon. IS&T/SPIE International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2005: Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VII, Proceedings of the SPIE 5681, pp 746-757, SPIE (2005) [BibTeX]
Watermarking security, part two: practice, F. Cayre, C. Fontaine, T. Furon. IS&T/SPIE International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2005: Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VII, Proceedings of the SPIE 5681, pp 758-768, SPIE (2005) [BibTeX]
Watermarking Attack: Security of WSS Techniques, F. Cayre, C. Fontaine, T. Furon. International Workshop on Digital Watermarking -- IWDW 2004, Best Paper Award, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3304, pp 171-183, Springer-Verlag (2005) [BibTeX]
Cryptanalysis of a Particular Case of Klimov-Shamir Pseudo-Random Generator, V. Bénony, F. Recher, E. Wegrzynowski, C. Fontaine. Sequences and their applications -- SETA 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3486, pp 313-322, Springer-Verlag (2005) [BibTeX]
About the links between cryptography and information hiding, C. Fontaine, F. Raynal. IS&T/SPIE International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2002: Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents IV, Proceedings of the SPIE 4675, pp 269-280, SPIE (2002) [BibTeX]
A new fast stream cipher design: COS ciphers, E. Filiol, C. Fontaine. 8th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2260, pp 85-98, Springer-Verlag (2001) [BibTeX]
A new fast block cipher design: COS ciphers, E. Filiol, C. Fontaine, D. Vianne. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory -- ISIT 2001, p 138, IEEE (2001) [BibTeX]
Stirmark benchmark: audio watermarking attacks, M. Steinebach, F.A. Petitcolas, F. Raynal, J. Dittmann, C. Fontaine, C. Seibel, N. Fates. International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, ITCC 2001, Special Session in Multimedia Security and Watermarking Applications (Las Vegas, USA, April 2001), to appear in proceedings published by IEEE computer society press (2001) [BibTeX]
Public automated web-based evaluation service for watermarking schemes: Stirmark benchmark, F.A. Petitcolas, M. Steinebach, F. Raynal, J. Dittmann, C. Fontaine, N. Fates. IS&T/SPIE International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2001: Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents III, Proceedings of the SPIE 4314, pp 575-584, SPIE (2001) [BibTeX]
Fourier Spectrum of Optimal Boolean Functions via Kasami's Identities, A. Canteaut, C. Carlet, P. Charpin, C. Fontaine. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory -- ISIT 2000, p 183, IEEE (2000) [BibTeX]
Propagation characteristics and correlation-immunity of highly nonlinear Boolean functions, A. Canteaut, C. Carlet, P. Charpin, C. Fontaine. Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT'2000, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1807, pp 507-522, Springer-Verlag (2000) [BibTeX]
DHWM: a scheme for managing watermarking keys in the Aquarelle multimedia distributed system, D. Augot, J.-F. Delaigle, C. Fontaine. European Symposium on Research in Computer Security - ESORICS 98, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1485, pp 241-255, Springer-Verlag (1998) [BibTeX]
A method to find cosets of the first-order Reed-Muller code with a high minimum weight, C. Fontaine. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory -- ISIT 98, p 464, IEEE (1998) [BibTeX]
Key Issues for watermarking digital images, D. Augot, C. Fontaine. EUROPTO Conference on Electronic Imaging: Processing, Printing, and Publishing in Color. International Symposium on Electronic Image Capture and Publishing 98. Proceedings of the SPIE 3409, pp 176-185, SPIE (1998) [BibTeX]
Highly nonlinear balanced Boolean functions with a good correlation-immunity, E. Filiol, C. Fontaine. Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT'98, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1403, pp 475-488, Springer Verlag (1998) [BibTeX]
The nonlinearity of a class of Boolean functions with short representation, C. Fontaine. Proceedings of PRAGOCRYPT'96, Czech Technical University Publishing House, pp. 129-144 (1996) [BibTeX]
Theses and Research reports
Assurer la sécurité des contenus multimédia, de leur création à leur diffusion, C. Fontaine. HDR dissertation (in both French and English), University of Occidental Brittany (2011) [dissertation] [slides] [BibTeX]
Contribution à la recherche de fonctions booléennes hautement non linéaires, et au marquage d'images en vue de la protection des droits d'auteurs, C. Fontaine. PhD thesis (in French), University of Paris 6 (1998) [dissertation] [BibTeX]
Étude exploratoire sur le rayon de recouvrement des codes de Reed-Muller d'ordre 1, C. Fontaine. DEA's (Master's) report (1995) [BibTeX]
Other publications
L'art de dissimuler les informations, F. Raynal, F. Petitcolas, C. Fontaine. Pour la Science (french edition of Scientific American) Dossier "l'art du secret" (Summer 2002) [BibTeX]
Le tatouage des images numériques, C. Fontaine. Pour la Science (french edition of Scientific American) Dossier "l'art du secret" (Summer 2002) [BibTeX]
Introduction à la stéganographie, F. Raynal, F. Petitcolas, C. Fontaine. M.I.S.C. le magazine de la sécurité informatique, Number 1 (January 2002) [BibTeX]
Le tatouage des images numériques, C. Fontaine. Pour la Science (french edition of Scientific American) Number 270 (April 2000) [BibTeX]
My PatentBuddy list can be found here.
Device For Reproducing Digital Content, Secure Electronic Entity, System Comprisisng Said Elements And Method For Reproducing Digital Content, C. Giraud, J.-B. Fischer, C. Fontaine, A. Benjelloun-Touimi, M. Milhau, B. Prady, publication date 23/09/2010, filing date 27/03/2007, Numéro de dépôt 12/294992, Description : Complete Patent Searching Database and Patent Data Analytics Services. Numéros de publication :
o WO2007110510
o EP2005703
o FR2899409