Site officiel du LSV
Invited talks
27/06/2016: Lecture at EJCP summer school, Lille, France.
Verification of security protocols: from confidentiality to privacy
Exposé au Collège de France
, Paris
La vérification formelle appliquée aux protocoles cryptographiques
10/11/2015: Regards Croisés, Cachan
Providing solutions for more secure exchanges
25/08/2015: Lecture at VTSA summer school, Koblenz, Germany. Verification of security protocols: from confidentiality to privacy (
Part 1
Part 2
9/04/2015: Sasefor meeting, Cachan
Analysing privacy-type properties in cryptographic protocols
20/03/2015: Seminar Deducteam, Paris
Analysing privacy-type properties in cryptographic protocols
14/01/2015: Seminar at GREYC, Caen
Analysing privacy-type properties in cryptographic protocols
18/11/2014: Regards Croisés, Cachan
Providing solutions for more secure exchanges
6/09/2014: Invited talk at TREND, Roma, Italy
A process algebraic analysis of privacy-type properties in cryptographic protocols
10/07/2014: Focus talk at MOVEP, Nantes
Verification of Security Protocols: from Confidentiality to Privacy
26/06/2014: Exposé lors de la réunion plénière de l'INS2I à Paris
Les protocoles cryptographiques: sommes nous bien protégés ?
21/03/2014: Intervention au Lycée Corot à Savigny-sur-Orge --
Les protocoles cryptographiques: comment sécuriser nos communications ?
18/03/2014: CAPPRIS meeting, Paris --
APTE: an automatic tool for verifying privacy-type security properties
15/10/2013: Regards Croisés, Cachan
Providing solutions for more secure exchanges
06/09/2013: Journée Portes Ouvertes du LSV --
Zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge
12/06/2013: SECSI Working group --
Privacy issues: from protocols to applications
20/11/2012: Regards Croisés, Cachan
Providing solutions for more secure exchanges
11/10/2012: SECSI Working group --
Presentation of the VIP project
09/2012: Exposé lors de la conférence de rentrée, ENS Cachan --
Ces protocoles qui nous protègent
14/03/2012: CAPPRIS meeting, Paris --
Analysing privacy-type properties using formal methods
18/04/2014: Séminaire lors des Journées Régionales de l'APMEP, Rouen --
Ces protocoles qui nous protègent
19/01/2012: SECSI Working group --
Analysing routing protocols: four nodes topologies are sufficient
15/11/2011: Regards Croisés, Cachan
Providing solutions for more secure exchanges
04/11/2011: Unithé ou Café?, Parc Orsay Université
Big Brother won't watch us
23/10/2011: Atelier lors des Journées Nationales de l'APMEP, Grenoble --
Les protocoles cryptographiques: comment sécuriser nos communications ?
17/08/2011: Dagstuhl seminar, Germany --
Trace equivalence via constraint solving
23/06/2011: Seminar, Verimag, Grenoble --
Formal analysis of protocols based on TPM state registers
09/06/2011: SECSI Working group --
Formal analysis of protocols based on TPM state registers
18/03/2011: Defense of my Habilitation, ENS Cachan, France --
Verification of security protocols: from confidentiality to privacy
30/09/2010: SECSI Working group --
A Formal Analysis of Authentication in the TPM
Lecture at
(joint lecture with S. Kremer), University Residential Center of Bertinoro, Italy --
Modelling and verifying e-voting protocols in applied-pi calculus
05/01/2009: Seminar, Unviersity of Trier, Germany --
Verification of security protocols via constraint solving
21/05/2008: Exposé lors de la remise des prix des Olympiades de Mathématiques, Cachan, France --
Les protocoles cryptographiques: comment sécuriser nos communications ?
14/03/2008: French-Japanese Workshop, Loria, Nancy --
Safely composing security protocols via Tagging
25/02/2008: Seminar at UCL, Louvain-La-Neuve --
Safely composing security protocols via Tagging
26/04/2007: Workshop VETO'07, Tunis --
Modelling and verifying privacy-type properties of electroning voting protocols
12/03/2007: Seminar at LORIA, Nancy --
Modelling and verifying privacy-type properties of electroning voting protocols
18/12/2006: Seminar at LIAFA, University Paris 7 --
Modelling and verifying privacy-type properties of electroning voting protocols
28/11/2006: Computer Security Lecture, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham --
Proofs of Knowledge
30/10/2006: Computer Security Reading Group, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham --
Security via constraint solving
13/03/2006: Seminar at LACL, University of Créteil --
Verification of Security Protocols in presence of Equational Theories with Homomorphism
13/02/2006: Seminar at LIAFA, University Paris 7 --
Verification of Security Protocols in presence of Equational Theories with Homomorphism
18/08/2005: Seminar at Clarkson University, Postdam --
Verification of Cryptographic Protocols in Presence of Algebraic Properties
9/12/2004: Seminar at LMNO/GREYC, Caen --
Verification of Cryptographic Protocols in Presence of Algebraic Properties
11/12/2004: Seminar at MAPS/AMS, Plemeur-Bodou --
A Decision Procedure for the Verification of Security Protocols with Explicit Destructors
27/08/2003: Seminar at France Télécom R&D, Lannion --
Vérification de protocoles de sécurité dans un modèle de l'intrus étendu
Private Pages