Stephanie Delaune
Full-time researcher, CNRS
Depuis Septembre 2016, je suis membre de l'équipe EMSEC à l'IRISA (Rennes)
Ma nouvelle page est
- September 2016: I am now member of the EMSEC team at IRISA (Rennes).
- Awarded an ERC Starting Grant:
Reasoning about Physical properties Of
security Protocols with an Application To contactless Systems.
Looking for outstanding
students and young researchers to work at IRISA (Rennes) on the POPSTAR project.
- France Inter radio interview broadcast on July 10, 2016 -- Chercheurs
d'avenir -- with Gérard Berry and Jérôme Nika.
- EASST Best paper at ETAPS 2016:
Bounding the number of agents, for equivalence too with V. Cortier and A. Dallon.
- April 2016: My talk at Collège de France, Paris
La vérification formelle appliquée aux protocoles cryptographiques
- POST 2017, 6th Conference on Principles of Security and Trust, Uppsala, Sweden, 23-29 April 2017;
- IJCAR 2016, 8th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, Portugal, June 27-30, 2016.