On Tuesday January 28, 2014 at 2pm in the Conference room in the building Pavillon des Jardins, at Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan.
This thesis investigates automata theoretic techniques for the verification of physically distributed machines communicating via unbounded reliable channels. Each of these machines may run several recursive programs (multi-threading). A recursive program may also use several unbounded stack and queue data-structures for its local-computation needs. Such real-world systems are so powerful that all verification problems become undecidable.
We introduce and study a new parameter called split-width for the under-approximate analysis of such systems. Split-width is the minimum number of splits required in the behaviour graphs to obtain disjoint parts which can be reasoned about independently. Thus it provides a divide-and-conquer approach for their analysis. With the parameter split-width, we obtain optimal decision procedures for various verification problems on these systems like reachability, inclusion, etc. and also for satisfiability and model checking against various logical formalisms such as monadic second-order logic, propositional dynamic logic and temporal logics.
It is shown that behaviours of a system has bounded split-width if and only if it has bounded clique-width. Thus, by Courcelle's results on uniformly bounded-degree graphs, split-width is not only sufficient but also necessary to get decidability for MSO satisfiability checking.
We then study the feasibility of distributed controllers for our generic distributed systems. We propose several controllers, some finite state and some deterministic, which ensure that the behaviours of the system have bounded split-width. Such a distributedly controlled system yields decidability for the various verification problems by inheriting the optimal decision procedures for split-width. These also extend or complement many known decidable subclasses of systems studied previously.
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