type expr =
| Int of int
| String of string
| Concat of expr*expr
| Add of expr*expr
| Substring of expr*expr*expr
| Pair of expr*expr
| Fst of expr
| Snd of expr
type value =
| VInt of int
| VString of string
| VPair of value*value
let rec eval = function
| Int i -> VInt i
| String s -> VString s
| Concat (a,b) ->
begin match eval a, eval b with
| VString sa, VString sb -> VString (sa^sb)
| _ -> failwith "eval error"
| Add (a,b) ->
begin match eval a, eval b with
| VInt sa, VInt sb -> VInt (sa+sb)
| _ -> failwith "eval error"
| Substring (a,b,c) ->
begin match eval a, eval b, eval c with
| VString a, VInt b, VInt c ->
VString (String.sub a b c)
| _ -> failwith "eval error"
| Pair (a,b) -> VPair (eval a, eval b)
| Fst e ->
begin match eval e with
| VPair (a,b) -> a
| _ -> failwith "eval error"
| Snd e ->
begin match eval e with
| VPair (a,b) -> b
| _ -> failwith "eval error"
type _ wtexpr =
| WInt : int -> int wtexpr
| WString : string -> string wtexpr
| WConcat : string wtexpr * string wtexpr -> string wtexpr
| WAdd : int wtexpr * int wtexpr -> int wtexpr
| WSubstring : string wtexpr * int wtexpr * int wtexpr -> string wtexpr
| WPair : 'a wtexpr * 'b wtexpr -> ('a*'b) wtexpr
| WFst : ('a*'b) wtexpr -> 'a wtexpr
| WSnd : ('a*'b) wtexpr -> 'b wtexpr
let rec wteval : type t. t wtexpr -> t = function
| WInt i -> i
| WString s -> s
| WAdd (a,b) -> wteval a + wteval b
| WConcat (a,b) -> wteval a ^ wteval b
| WSubstring (s,a,b) -> String.sub (wteval s) (wteval a) (wteval b)
| WPair (a,b) -> (wteval a, wteval b)
| WFst a -> fst (wteval a)
| WSnd a -> snd (wteval a)
type _ typ =
| TInt : int typ
| TString : string typ
| TPair : 'a typ * 'b typ -> ('a*'b) typ
type iswtexpr =
| IsWT : 'a typ * 'a wtexpr -> iswtexpr
let rec typecheck : expr -> iswtexpr = function
| Int i -> IsWT (TInt, WInt i)
| String s -> IsWT (TString, WString s)
| Add (a,b) ->
begin match typecheck a, typecheck b with
| IsWT (TInt, a), IsWT (TInt, b) ->
IsWT (TInt, WAdd (a,b))
| _ -> failwith "typecheck error"
| Concat (a,b) ->
begin match typecheck a, typecheck b with
| IsWT (TString, a), IsWT (TString, b) ->
IsWT (TString, WConcat (a,b))
| _ -> failwith "typecheck error"
| Substring (a,b,c) ->
begin match typecheck a, typecheck b, typecheck c with
| IsWT (TString, a), IsWT (TInt, b), IsWT (TInt, c) ->
IsWT (TString, WSubstring (a,b,c))
| _ -> failwith "typecheck error"
| Pair (a,b) ->
let IsWT (ta,a) = typecheck a in
let IsWT (tb,b) = typecheck b in
IsWT (TPair (ta,tb), WPair (a,b))
| Fst a ->
begin match typecheck a with
| IsWT (TPair (t,t'), a) -> IsWT (t, WFst a)
| _ -> failwith "typecheck error"
| Snd a ->
begin match typecheck a with
| IsWT (TPair (t,t'), a) -> IsWT (t', WSnd a)
| _ -> failwith "typecheck error"
let test expr =
let IsWT (t,e) = typecheck expr in
let v = wteval e in
match t with
| TInt -> Printf.printf "-> %d\n" v
| TString -> Printf.printf "-> %S\n" v
| _ -> Printf.printf "<_,_>\n"
let () =
test (Add (Int 3, Fst (Snd (Pair (String "", Pair (Int 12, Int 0))))))