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Author(s): Suguru Yamaguchi, Kiyohiko Okayama, and Hideo Miyahara  (11/1991)

Summary: Mutual authentication protocol. Public key cryptography with a certification authority signing and distributing public keys.

Protocol specification (in common syntax)

S, C, AS :   principal
N1, N2, N3 :   nonce
T :   timestamp
L :   lifetime
pk, sk :   principal -> key (keypair)

1.   C -> AS :   C, S, N1
2.   AS -> C :   AS, {AS, C, N1, pk(S)}sk(AS)
3.   C -> S :   C, S, {C, T, L, {N2}pk(S)}sk(C)
4.   S -> AS :   S, C, N3
5.   AS -> S :   AS, {AS, S, N3, pk(C)}sk(AS)
6.   S -> C :   S, C, {S, inc(N2)}pk(C)

Description of the protocol rules

key is the type of public/private keys. The functions pk and sk associate to a principal's name its public key, resp. private key.

We assume that initially, the client C and the server S only know their own public and private key, and that the authority AS known the function pk, i.e. he knows everyone's public key.

{AS, C, N1, pk(S)}sk(AS) (in message 2) and {AS, S, N3, pk(C)}sk(AS) (in message 5) are certificates signed and distributed by the authority AS, for the respective public keys pk(S) and pk(C).

After a successfull run of the protocol, the value of N2 can be used by C and S as a symmetric key for secure communications.


The protocol must guaranty the secrecy of N2: in every session, the value of N2 must be known only by the participants playing the roles of C, S.

The protocol must also ensure C that S has received N2 and S that the N2 he has received in message 3 originated from C.



Claimed attacks

In an attack described in [HC95], the intruder I can impersonate the client C and obtain N2 in a single session (i.e. without even running a parallel session).
1.   I -> AS :   I, S, N1
2.   AS -> I :   AS, {AS, I, N1, pk(S)}sk(AS)
3.   I(C) -> S :   C, S, {C, T, L, {N2}pk(S)}sk(I)
4.   S -> I(AS) :   S, C, N3
4.   I(S) -> AS :   S, I, N3
5.   AS -> S :   AS, {AS, S, N3, pk(I)}sk(AS)
6.   S -> I(C) :   S, C, {S, inc(N2)}pk(I)
In message 5, the server S accepts the certificate {AS, S, N3, pk(I)}sk(AS) from AS as a certificate of the public key of C (note that the certificates do not contain the name of the owner of public keyx in this protocol) and hence crypts the data in the last message 6 with the public key of I.

In this second (symmetric) attack from [HC95], the intruder I can impersonate the server S and obtain N2.
1.   C -> I(AS) :   C, S, N1
1.   I(C) -> AS :   C, I, N1
2.   AS -> C :   AS, {AS, C, N1, pk(I)}sk(AS)
3.   C -> I(S) :   C, S, {C, T, L, {N2}pk(I)}sk(C)
4.   I -> AS :   I, C, N3
5.   AS -> I :   AS, {AS, S, N3, pk(C)}sk(AS)
6.   S -> C :   S, C, {S, inc(N2)}pk(C)

Lowe outlined (see [CJ97]) that a malicious C can replay the message 3 (the first message concerning S) several times, with new values of T and L, to restart authentication with an old value of N2.

See also

Hwang and Chen modified SPLICE/AS, Clark and Jacob modified Hwang and Chen modified SPLICE/AS.


John Clark and Jeremy Jacob. A survey of authentication protocol literature : Version 1.0., November 1997.

Tzonelih Hwang and Yung-Hsiang Chen. On the security of splice/as : The authentication system in wide internet. Information Processing Letters, 53:97--101, 1995.

Suguru Yamaguchi, Kiyohiko Okayama, and Hideo Miyahara. The design and implementation of an authentication system for the wide area distributed environment. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E74(11):3902--3909, November 1991.
last modified 26/11/2002.
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