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Denning-Sacco shared key

Author(s): Dorothy E. Denning and Giovanni Maria Sacco  (1981)

Summary: Modified version of the Needham Schroeder Symmetric Key with timestamps to fix the freshness flaw. Distribution of a shared symmetric key by a trusted server and mutual authentification. Symmetric key cryptography with server and timestamps.

Protocol specification (in common syntax)

A, B, S :   principal
Kas, Kbs, Kab :   key
T :   timestamp

1.   A -> S :   A, B
2.   S -> A :   {B, Kab, T, {Kab, A, T}Kbs}Kas
3.   A -> B :   {Kab,A, T}Kbs

Description of the protocol rules

The nonces of Needham Schroeder Symmetric Key (for mutual authentication of A and B) have been replaced by a timestamp T.

The shared symmetric key established by the protocol is Kab.


See Needham Schroeder Symmetric Key.



Claimed attacks

This protocol is subject to a mutiplicity attack [Low97].
i.1.   A -> S :   A, B
i.2.   S -> A :   {B, Kab, T, {Kab, A, T}Kbs}Kas
i.3.   A -> B :   {Kab,A, T}Kbs
ii.3.   I(A) -> B :   {Kab,A, T}Kbs
In session ii, B thinks that A wants to establish a new shared key and accepts it.

See also

Lowe modified Denning-Sacco shared key, Needham Schroeder Symmetric Key.


D. Denning and G. Sacco. Timestamps in key distributed protocols. Communication of the ACM, 24(8):533--535, 1981.

Gavin Lowe. A family of attacks upon authentication protocols. Technical Report 1997/5, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Leicester, 1997.
last modified 12/11/2002.
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