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CCITT X.509 (1c)

Author(s): M. Abadi and R Needham  (1996)

Summary: Correction of the CCITT X.509 (1) one message protocol.

Protocol specification (in common syntax)

A, B :   principal
Na, Nb :   nonce
Ta, Tb :   timestamp
Ya, Yb :   userdata
Xa, Xb :   userdata
PK, SK :   principal -> key (keypair)
h :   userdata -> userdata (one-way)

1.   A -> B :   A, {Ta, Na, B, Xa, {Ya, {h(Ya)}SK(A)}PK(B)}SK(A)

Description of the protocol rules

See CCITT X.509 (1). The solution proposed in [AN96] to correct the authentication flaw in the CCITT X.509 (1) one message protocol is to sign the secret data Ya before it is encrypted.


The protocol must ensure the recipient B of the message that the data Xa and Ya originate from A.


[AN96], [CCI87].

See also

CCITT X.509 (1), CCITT X.509 (3).


Martín Abadi and Roger Needham. Prudent engineering practice for cryptographic protocols. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 22(1):6--15, January 1996.

CCITT. The directory authentification framework. Draft Recommendation X.509, 1987. Version 7.
last modified 11/11/2002.
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