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Bull's Authentication Protocol

Author(s): J. Bull  (1997)

Summary: This protocol, described in [BO97], aims at establishing fresh session keys between a fixed number of participants (for instance 3) and a server: one key for each pair of agents adjacent in the chain.

Protocol specification (in common syntax)

A, B, C, S :   principal
Kab, Kbc :   fresh symkey
Na, Nb, Nc :   fresh number
Kas, Kbs, Kcs :   symkey
h :   message, symkey -> message

A computes Xa = h((A,B,Na),Kas), (A,B,Na)
1.   A -> B :   Xa

B computes Xb = h((B,C,Nb,Xa),Kbs), (B,C,Nb,Xa)
2.   B -> C :   Xb

C computes Xc = h((C,S,Nc,Xb),Kcs), (C,S,Nc,Xb)
3.   C -> S :   Xc

4.   S -> C :   A, B, Kab xor h(Na,Kas), {A,B,Na}Kab,
          B, A, Kab xor h(Nb,Kbs), {B,A,Nb}Kab,
          B, C, Kbc xor h(Nb,Kbs), {B,C,Nb}Kbc,
          C, B, Kbc xor h(Nc,Kcs), {C,B,Nc}Kbc
5.   C -> B :   A, B, Kab xor h(Na,Kas), {A,B,Na}Kab,
          B, A, Kab xor h(Nb,Kbs), {B,A,Nb}Kab,
          B, C, Kbc xor h(Nb,Kbs), {B,C,Nb}Kbc
6.   B -> A :   A, B, Kab xor h(Na,Kas), {A,B,Na}Kab

Description of the protocol rules

The protocol is initiated by A and then goes through B and C before reaching S. At the end, new session keys Kab and Kbc are established. The properties of exclusive or are:
x xor (y xor z) = (x xor y) xor z   (E1)
x xor y = y xor x   (E2)
x xor 0 = x   (E3)
x xor x = 0   (E4)


The protocol must guaranty the secrecy of Kxy. Each key Kxy should be known to exactly x and y (and also S), even if some nodes other than x and y are malicious.



Claimed attacks

This protocol is subject to an attack [RS98] that can be mounted by a dishonest participant. For example, assume that C is a malicious agent. He can intercept Kab xor h(Nb,Kbs) and Kbc xor h(Nb,Kbs) sent by S at step 4, and since C knows the session key Kbc, he can compute Kbc xor Kab xor h(Nb,Kbs) xor Kbc xor h(Nb,Kbs). Since this term is actually equal to Kab, the agent C learns a session key that should be shared only by A and B.


J. Bull and D. J. Otway. The authentication protocol. Technical Report DRA/CIS3/PROJ/CORBA/SC/1/CSM/436-04/03, Defence Research Agency, 1997.

P. Y. A. Ryan and S. A. Schneider. An attack on a recursive authentication protocol: A cautionary tale. Information Processing Letters, 65(1):7--10, 1998.
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