Publications related to IMITATOR
- Étienne André, Laurent Fribourg and Jeremy Sproston. An Extension of the Inverse Method to Probabilistic Timed Automata. Formal Methods in System Design, 2012.
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- Étienne André, Laurent Fribourg, Ulrich Kühne and Romain Soulat. IMITATOR 2.5: A Tool for Analyzing Robustness in Scheduling Problems. In Dimitra Giannakopoulou and Dominique Méry (eds.), FM’12, LNCS 7436, Springer, pages 33–36, August 2012. Acceptance rate: 27%.
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- Étienne André, Laurent Fribourg and Romain Soulat. Enhancing the Inverse Method with State Merging. In Alwyn Goodloe and Suzette Person (eds.), NFM’12, LNCS 7226, Springer, pages 100–105, April 2012.
- Laurent Fribourg and Ulrich Kühne. Parametric Verification and Test Coverage for Hybrid Automata Using the Inverse Method. In Giorgio Delzanno and Igor Potapov (eds.), RP’11, LNCS 6945, Springer, pages 191–204, 2011.
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- Étienne André and Romain Soulat. Synthesis of Timing Parameters Satisfying Safety Properties. In Giorgio Delzanno and Igor Potapov (eds.), RP’11, LNCS 6945, Springer, pages 31–44, 2011.
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- Étienne André. An Inverse Method for the Synthesis of Timing Parameters in Concurrent Systems. Ph.D. thesis, Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification, ENS Cachan, France, December 2010. 268 pages.
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- Étienne André. IMITATOR II: A Tool for Solving the Good Parameters Problem in Timed Automata. In Yu-Fang Chen and Ahmed Rezine (eds.), INFINITY’10, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 39, pages 91–99, 2010.
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- Étienne André and Laurent Fribourg. Behavioral Cartography of Timed Automata. In Antonín Kučera and Igor Potapov (eds.), RP’10, LNCS 6227, Springer, pages 76–90, September 2010.
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- Étienne André, Pirouz Bazargan-Sabet, Rémy Chevallier, Emmanuelle Encrenaz, Laurent Fribourg, Dominique Le Dû and Patricia Renault. Project VALMEM: Functional and Timed Validation of Embedded Memories Using Formal Methods. Grand colloque ANR STIC’10, December 2009.
- Étienne André, Thomas Chatain, Emmanuelle Encrenaz and Laurent Fribourg. An Inverse Method for Parametric Timed Automata. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 20(5), pages 819–836, 2009.
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- Étienne André, Thomas Chatain, Olivier De Smet, Laurent Fribourg and Silvain Ruel. Synthèse de contraintes temporisées pour une architecture d’automatisation en réseau. In Didier Lime and Olivier H. Roux (eds.), MSR’09, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés 43(7-9), Hermès, pages 1049–1064, 2009.
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- Étienne André, Laurent Fribourg and Jeremy Sproston. An Extension of the Inverse Method to Probabilistic Timed Automata. In Markus Roggenbach (eds.), AVoCS’09, Electronic Communications of the EASST 23, European Association of Software Science and Technology, 2009.
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- Étienne André. IMITATOR: A Tool for Synthesizing Constraints on Timing Bounds of Timed Automata. In Martin Leucker and Carroll Morgan (eds.), ICTAC’09, LNCS 5684, Springer, pages 336–342, August 2009.
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- Étienne André, Thomas Chatain, Emmanuelle Encrenaz and Laurent Fribourg. An Inverse Method for Parametric Timed Automata. In Vesa Halava and Igor Potapov (eds.), RP’08, ENTCS 223, Elsevier Science Publishers, pages 29–46, September 2008.
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Research reports
- Romain Soulat. Scheduling with IMITATOR: Some Case Studies. Research report LSV-12-05, Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification, ENS Cachan, France, February 2012.
- Étienne André, Laurent Fribourg and Romain Soulat. Enhancing the Inverse Method with State Merging. Research report LSV-11-26, Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification, ENS Cachan, France, December 2011. 7 pages.
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- Étienne André and Romain Soulat. Synthesis of Timing Parameters Satisfying Safety Properties (full version). Research report LSV-11-13, Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification, ENS Cachan, France, May 2011. 31 pages.
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| Slides]
- Laurent Fribourg and Ulrich Kühne. Parametric Verification of Hybrid Automata Using the Inverse Method. Research report LSV-11-04, Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification, ENS Cachan, France, March 2011. 25 pages.
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- Étienne André, Abdelrezzak Bara, Pirouz Bazargan-Sabet, Rémy Chevallier, Dominique Le Dû, Emmanuelle Encrenaz, Laurent Fribourg and Patricia Renault. Compte-rendu de fin du projet ANR VALMEM. Research report, January 2011. 14 pages.
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- Étienne André. Synthesizing Parametric Constraints on Various Case Studies Using IMITATOR II. Research report LSV-10-21, Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification, ENS Cachan, France, December 2010. 66 pages.
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- Étienne André, Abdelrezzak Bara, Pirouz Bazargan-Sabet, Rémy Chevallier, Dominique Le Dû, Emmanuelle Encrenaz, Laurent Fribourg and Patricia Renault. Experiments of Prototype Tools on Case Studies, Comparison of obtained results and Conclusion. Research report, 2010. 31 pages.
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- Étienne André. IMITATOR II User Manual. Research report LSV-10-20, Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification, ENS Cachan, France, November 2010. 31 pages.
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- Étienne André. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About IMITATOR (But Were Afraid to Ask). Research report LSV-09-20, Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification, ENS Cachan, France, July 2009. 11 pages.
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- Étienne André, Emmanuelle Encrenaz and Laurent Fribourg. Synthesizing Parametric Constraints on Various Case Studies Using IMITATOR. Research report LSV-09-13, Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification, ENS Cachan, France, June 2009. 18 pages.
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