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Postdoc Master PhD Complexity Wqo WSTS BVASS PetriNets Decidability Model-checking First-order Modal
- Sylvain Schmitz (2014) Implicational Relevance Logic is 2-EXPTIME-Complete Research Report arXiv:1402.0705 [cs.LO]Computing Research Repository (URL) (BibTeX)
- Christoph Haase (2014) Subclasses of Presburger Arithmetic and the Weak EXP Hierarchy Research Report arXiv:1401.5266 [cs.LO]Computing Research Repository (URL) (BibTeX)
- Ranko Lazić and Sylvain Schmitz (2014) Non-Elementary Complexities for Branching VASS, MELL, and Extensions Research Report arXiv:1401.6785 [cs.LO]Computing Research Repository (URL) (BibTeX)
- Timos Antonopoulos, Nikos Gorogiannis, Christoph Haase, Max Kanovich, and Joël Ouaknine (2014) Foundations for Decision Problems in Separation Logic with General Inductive Predicates FoSSaCS 2014 Anca Muscholl Springer (To appear) (BibTeX)