
Learn here about the events related to the project.

Dagstuhl Seminar


The ReacHard project co-organizes Dagstuhl Seminar 14141 on Reachability Problems for Infinite-State Systems taking place in April 2014.

Papers at LICS 2013


A whole session of LICS 2013 is devoted to the work of the ReacHard project, with three papers:

  1. Jérôme Leroux (2013) Presburger Vector Addition Systems LICS 2013 IEEE Computer Society Press 23–32 (URL) (BibTeX)
  2. Stéphane Demri, Diego Figueira, and M. Praveen (2013) Reasoning about Data Repetitions with Counter Systems LICS 2013 IEEE Computer Society Press 33–42 (URL) (BibTeX)
  3. Jérôme Leroux, Vincent Penelle, and Grégoire Sutre (2013) On the Context-Freeness Problem for Vector Addition Systems LICS 2013 IEEE Computer Society Press 43–52 (URL) (BibTeX)

Working Group on Verification

GT Verif

The ReacHard project sponsors the first annual meeting of GT Verif taking place in Cachan in June 2013.

Best Paper Award at Turing 100

Turing 100

The paper entitled Vector Addition Systems Reachability Problem (A Simpler Solution) (Leroux, 2012) has received a best paper award at the Alan Turing centenary conference held in Manchester in June 2012.

Conferences in June

ReacHard members have been quite busy presenting papers at conferences this June: Finkel and Goubault-Larrecq (2012) at Petri nets 2012 in Hamburg, Karandikar and Schnoebelen (2012) at CSR 2012 in Nizhny Novgorod, Demri et al (2012) at IJCAR 2012 in Manchester, and Haddad et al (2012) at LICS 2012 in Dubrovnik.

Chairing RP 2012

Kick-off Meeting on December 6

The kick-off meeting of the ReacHard project will take place at LSV, ENS Cachan, on December 6th, 2011.

A course at ESSLLI 2012

An advanced course on Algorithmic Aspects of wqo Theory will be taught at ESSLLI 2012 by Sylvain Schmitz and Philippe Schnoebelen.

The course will be part of the Logic and Computation track and will take place during the first week of the school.