
Geeraerts et al, 2013


Gilles Geeraerts, Alexander Heussner, M. Praveen, and Jean-François Raskin (2013) $\omega$-Petri nets Petri nets 2013 José-Manuel Colom and Jörg Desel Springer 49–69 (URL)

BibTeX entry

@INPROCEEDINGS { praveen13,
    AUTHOR = { Gilles Geeraerts and Alexander Heussner and M. Praveen and Jean-Fran{\c c}ois Raskin },
    TITLE = { $\omega$-Petri nets },
    BOOKTITLE = { Petri nets 2013 },
    CONFNAME = { International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency },
    CONFNUM = { 34th },
    LOCATION = { Milano, Italy },
    EDITOR = { Jos{\' e}-Manuel Colom and J{\"o}rg Desel },
    SERIES = { },
    VOLUME = { 7927 },
    PAGES = { 49--69 },
    MONTH = { },
    YEAR = { 2013 },
    OAI = { arXiv:1301.6572 [cs.LO] },
    URL = { },
    DOI = { 10.1007/978-3-642-38697-8_4 },
    PUBLISHER = { Springer },