Haase et al, 2013
(2013) The Power of Priority Channel Systems Concur 2013 Pedro R. D'Argenio and Hernán Melgratti Springer 319–333 (URL)
BibTeX entry
@INPROCEEDINGS { concurHaaseSS13,
AUTHOR = { Christoph Haase and Sylvain Schmitz and {\relax Ph}ilippe Schnoebelen },
TITLE = { The Power of Priority Channel Systems },
BOOKTITLE = { Concur 2013 },
CONFNAME = { International Conference on Concurrency Theory },
CONFNUM = { 24th },
LOCATION = { Buenos Aires, Argentina },
EDITOR = { Pedro R. D'Argenio and Hern\'an Melgratti },
SERIES = { },
VOLUME = { 8052 },
PAGES = { 319--333 },
MONTH = { },
YEAR = { 2013 },
OAI = { arXiv:1301.5500 [cs.LO] },
URL = { },
DOI = { 10.1007/978-3-642-40184-8_23 },
PUBLISHER = { Springer },