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Laurent Doyen
PhD, U.L.B. (Brussels, Belgium), 2006.
Habil. HDR, ENS Cachan, 2012.
CNRS Researcher
Working at LMF, ENS Paris-Saclay
On sabbatical at Rice University (2025)
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Quick links: Publications - Talks - Teaching - GPG public key
Upcoming events:
LICS 2024, Tallinn
ICALP 2024, Tallinn
Recent past events
My research interests include:
- Game and automata theory,
- (Discrete) quantitative and probabilistic systems,
- Timed and hybrid systems,
with a focus on algorithms and tools for the design and verification of
reliable software, hardware, and embedded systems.
If you are a student interested in doing an internship, PhD thesis, or a post-doc, please contact me.
Papers - Talks
Publications [by year] [by topic]
[by conference] [by journal]
Publications   [
BibTex List]
Publications   [DBLP entries]
Talks - Slides of some recent talks
Tools - Prototypes
- Organizer: STSV 2012, GAMES 2011, PaVAS 2011
- PC member: LICS 2024,
ICALP 2024,
CSR 2021,
LATA 20&21,
GandALF 2016,
GandALF 2015,
RP 2014,
CSL-LICS 2014, STACS 2014, FSTTCS 2013, QFM 2012, ICE 2011, Formats 2010, ICE 2010
- Invited speaker: RP 2017, WATA 2014, INFINITY 2013, ACTS 2010, PSY 2009
- Summer school lecture: EJCIM 2010, MOVEP 2008
Projects (past and present)
- Rutherford Visiting Fellow (U. Warwick) - Fast algorithms for synthesis of safe, smart and adaptive controllers
- Cassting - Collective Adaptative Systems Synthesis With Non-zero-sum Games
- QuaVerif (PI) - Quantitative Verification for Reactive Systems
- ARiSE: Austrian Rigorous Systems Engineering
- Quasimodo: Quantitative System Properties in Model-Driven-Design of Embedded Systems
- Gasics: Games for Analysis and Synthesis of Interactive Computational Systems
- COMBEST: COMponent-Based Embedded Systems design Techniques
- Artist2 NOE: Network of Excellence on Embedded Systems Design
Automates d'Arbres et Applications (MPRI)
Préparation Agrégation Informatique
Game theory in computer science (MPRI)
Introduction to research (MPRI, 2014, 2015, 2016)
Verification of dynamic and parameterized systems (MPRI, 2011)
Logique informatique (TA, ULB, 2009)
Theoretical Computer Science III (TA, EPFL, 2006-2007)
Real-Time and Hybrid Systems: Analysis and Control (TA, ULB, 2002-2006)
Contact Information
Laurent Doyen
ENS Paris-Saclay
Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles
4, avenue des sciences
F-91192 Gif-sur-Yvette
Office location: Bât. Nord, 2nd floor, 2S59
(How to reach ENS Paris-Saclay)
Phone: +33 (0)1 81 87 54 43
L'étape du Tour - Photos...
Tour of Austria
Liege-Bastogne-Liege 2014 (279km, start: 6:28am, finish: 6:17pm)
24h Le Mans 2019 (674km)
Marathon Paris
20km Lausanne
20km Bruxelles
Marathon Lausanne
Marathon: 2h 58m 39s (Paris, 2015)
20km: 1h 19m 41s (Lausanne, 2009)
10km: 38m 14s (Cachan, 2010)
La Belgique expliquée aux Français (mp3 - Alex Vizorek, France Inter, Ve 11 oct 2013, 8:55)
La Belgique pour les nuls (pdf - Le Soir, Ve 16 avr 2010)
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Last update: Tue Jan 26 11:18:53 CET 2021.